Golden Bough Health Care Medical Center


Alternatives (Sinus, Back Problem, Knee Lock and Back Pain)

This is a story of my personal experience with Dr. Liang’s herbal nasal treatment.

Back in November 1995, I suffered from tenderness in my back, sinus problems, my knee sticks or locks when I sit for too long, it aches if I walk too much. My arm feels like it is going to explode if touched. Over the last six years I have tried almost everything for my arm. I have had MRI’s, CAT scans, and several sessions of physical therapy.   Went from acupuncture to multiple chiropractors.   Nothing seems to relieve my problems.  My then chiropractor Dr. McKee saw me suffer so much he recommended me to see an acupuncturist.  At that moment, I’ll try anything.

My first visit with Dr. Liang was interesting.

“You put arm here,” Dr. Liang instructs pointing to the edge of his desk.

“You have no energy,” he informs me. I assume he deducted that from my usually weak pulse.

“You need good oxygen for good energy. How long you had this problem with your right shoulder and arm?” he asks.

“Six years or more.” I replied.

“And your knee?”

“About 2 years,” I answered.

“Open your mouth,” he says bringing a tongue depressor to my face.

He begins to press spots along the side of my neck.

“Ouch!!!” I yelled- it hurts!

“A ha!” he exclaims.

“I think I can help you,” he says. My heart leaps with hope. My eyes fill with tears.

“You can?”

“Yes, I can help you.” he says.

Those word are like a miracle to me. I know he can see my reaction. I am so excited. He is going to help me and he can show me what the problem is. This, after six years, is just so amazing that I can hardly take it.

He showed me a small cyst inside my right nostril.

“It makes you have post nasal drip.” he informs me.

“Yes, my internist told me…years ago…that I had post nasal drip…but he said not to worry about it! I wasn’t aware of it.” I respond.

“Too much. It piles up. Stops circulation. Makes congestion in your neck. Puts pressure on joint in shoulder. That makes rest of problem down the arm, and then throughout the body…wherever you have a weakness…like your knee…toxins will settle,” he informs me.

“But I have never had sinus problems. My siblings have, but not me. I can breath with my mouth closed. I don’t have allergies…”

“Yes, you have a sinus problem,” he contradicts me.

“Should I have the cyst burned off?” I asked.

“No, no,” he says shaking he head. “No need for surgery. I fix you. I fix you with herbs.”

“Probably 15 sessions. First five, every day. Then every other day. Then you better. Here read this.” He says handing me a paper with information and instructions.

“You can have just herb treatment or you can also have acupuncture. The acupuncture will make everything happen faster.”

He begins to prepare two long slender sticks. He wraps cotton on the ends, opens a jar, the contents of which looks like tar. He spins the cotton ends of the sticks into the mixture and turns to me.

“You breath in, I insert sticks, I stop- you exhale from your mouth.”

I begin to inhale, he starts to slide the first stick up into my right nostril. He goes farther and farther. I feel a strong urge to pull back. He places his hand on the back of my head.   After the treatment, he gave me acupuncture.  The next morning, I have less pressure in my arm. Is this working already? Amazing!

After 10 treatments. My nose isn’t as sensitive as in the beginning. My nostrils are not as tight so the sticks go in easier. In fact, I can handle it quite well now.  My nose has finally stopped running, but I have had a bad cough for two weeks and that ‘bulge’ I have felt in my back for three years seems worse. I haven’t been able to sleep.

“That is your stomach. Your stomach is weak. A strong stomach will wash out toxins. Your stomach weak. It fills up. Pressure from toxins. You have GI problem.”

I nod. I have had digestive and stomach problems in the past. Dr. Liang fix me with herb drink.  After that, he treated me with acupuncture.”

He inserts the needle and sure enough soon it begins to cramp. I groan.  He withdraws the needle and ask me to move around my back.”  It seems better.  The pressure seems to be gone!  That’s amazing.

After I completed my full treatments with Dr. Liang. I still feel some tenderness in my back on the left side, but my sinuses are clear, and my cough almost gone. My knee no longer sticks or locks when I sit for too long, nor does it aches if I walk too much. My arm no longer feels like it is going to explode if touched. I have more range of motion in it too. I will probably need to exercise out the last bit of tightness in it, but I will be starting the new year of 1996 being a lot healthier than when I began 1995.

P.S. During the course of treatment, I met several patients… all with different problems: skin rashes, headaches, backaches, sinus problems, etc. All were taking the “treatment”. All I spoke to were believers in this practice- because it was working for them where other-‘western’ treatments had failed. Keeping things in ‘balance’ is an Oriental philosophy. If the body is in balance it will take care of itself.

It seems to me that Western medicine treats the symptoms. While the Eastern way is to find the source of the problem and try to cure that.

If the AMA would acknowledge acupuncture and herbs, then the treatments would be covered by medical insurance. This would lower our medical costs and provide for an alternative and/or additional treatment, save money, and make for healthier citizens. A healthy nation is a wealthy nation.

Doctor’s Note: The Treatment process described by the patient above was one that was developed by the doctor. Since then the Treatment itself has gone through several evolutions. Gone now are the Sticks that are needed to apply the medicine. The constant dripping medicine has also been eliminated. The frequency that the patient has to come to the office and the discomfort has been significantly cut down. The treatment now consists of nasal suppositories and rectal suppositories. The herbal nasal treatments have become so convenient and easy to use patients who do not have the time to spend at the doctor’s office can take the medicine home and use it by themselves. If patients are traveling or if they live out of state and cannot come to the office, they can take the medicine with them to use by themselves. It is that simple. If you would like to find out more about this treatment. 

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