Golden Bough Health Care Medical Center
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Diagnosis & Treatment

Q: What type of illnesses can Dr. Liang treat?

The center uses the holographic embryo energy ECIWO and the use of the eight programs of Yin, Yang, external, internal, cold, heat, deficiency, and reality to examine patients, collect data, and summarize the condition of the disease, analyze and diagnose the disease. It only takes a few minutes to find out the patient's "three-cause pathogen" (internal cause, external cause, no internal and external cause) and the source of various diseases (intractable diseases), that is, when the human body is disordered; the disease (the root cause). Traditional Western medicine use sound waves, imaging, blood biochemical reactions and other methods to find the root cause of the disease. All immune-related diseases can be repaired or removed through this method to find out the imbalances and deviations of the internal organs; The health can be described by the relationship between positive and negative energy", positive energy is inside, and negative cannot invade." When the immune system is normal, and pathogens cannot invade naturally. The reason why people get sick is the "deficiency of positive energy". The development and transformation of the disease lies in the rise and flow of positive and negative energy; including sub-health problems, you can try following methods such as:

  • Respiratory problems: chronic rhinitis, sinusitis, nosebleeds, pollen allergy, stubborn cough, chronic bronchial asthma, tinnitus, hearing loss, brain buzzing, etc.

  • Virus attack: acute and chronic influenza caused by various epidemic viruses, fever, aphonia, diarrhea, sore throat, various types of acute and chronic hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, long-term fatigue, insomnia, amnesia, neurasthenia, Ménière's disease, facial paralysis, hemiplegia, etc.

  • Various pain problems: long-term headache, stiff neck, frozen shoulders, tennis elbow, lower back pain, rheumatoid arthritis, joint neuralgia, etc.

  • Gynecological and pediatric problems: menstrual pain, dysmenorrhea, infertility, menopausal syndrome and stunted growth of children, poor appetite, hard-to-treat skin disease, children's otolaryngology, trachea, bronchus, asthma, etc.

  • Metabolic related allergies: acute and chronic gastrointestinal disorders such as bad breath, ulcerative proctitis (Crohn's disease), chronic dermatitis, eczema, tinea, shingles, nephrotic syndrome, thyroid disorders, various types of diabetes, hyperlipidemia, endocrine disorders causing compensatory diseases, hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, various types of cancer sequelae, immunocompromised diseases, etc.

Q: What is Digital Target Electromagnetic Pulse Rapid Desensitization (DTEPRD) method?

After more than 20 years of research and development, Dr. Liang has successfully treated more than 20,000 patients using the DTEPRD method. The treatment is non-invasive and there are no injections or chemical medication used in the process. Allergens are captured by scanning saliva, hair, toothbrushes in use and urine, etc. based on the principles of quantum information, photoelectric spectrum, and weak magnetic pulses. After the hidden causes are identified, desensitization begins using systematic step-by-step procedures. Once the deviation information is corrected, the body and mind can be recovered.

Q: What do I need to pay attention to after receiving the DTEPRD treatment?

Our "cleansing method", the "Digital Target Electromagnetic Pulse Rapid Desensitization Method", is completely harmless and free of side effects. It is a non-invasive treatment that is suitable for even pregnant women and infants over one-month-old. During the treatment, patients are requested to follow a strict diet and do moderate physical, mental adjustments in order to restore balance. Each level of desensitization (based on priority) can usually be achieved after 2-3 days of treatment. The principle of avoid, refrain, substitute, and shift should be observed for a minimum of three days. Some patients may experience discomfort (*Vertigo Response) after receiving desensitization treatment of the top three levels. The discomfort is a sub-sensitivity symptom caused by releasing (revealing) the secondary allergen after the dominating allergens is eliminated. (*Vertigo Response is also known as “Narrow down” or breaking the original mismatched balance). If you experience any new symptoms, you should return to the clinic immediately for Dr. Liang to continue helping you identify the new secondary allergen. The sooner we get rid of the hidden allergen, the sooner you can recover. If necessary, you can use a little allergy medicine for temporary relief. 75% of the patients require only 3 treatments before feeling an overall improvement of their health condition. The remaining 25% of the patients, due to factors such as a weak genetic makeup, long history of allergies, complicated chronic illness, and long-term use of anti-allergic drugs, steroids or simply neglecting of their health that leads to allergen depression will require 4 to 6 or even more desensitization treatment before feeling a drastic improvement. It is strongly recommended that you follow up with the internal organs improvement program as soon as possible after the desensitization treatment is completed in order to increase your body's immune function.

The Mechanism and Essence of "Vertigo Response": It is the positive chi battles with the negative chi inside the body. Whether the disease gradually heals and recovers, or whether the disease becomes worse, depends on the nature of chi. When the body encounters intrusion of a negative substance (virus, bacterial infection etc.), the human body's immune system will automatically send signals of fatigue that make us feel sleepy. The goal is to reduce physical activities and preserve energy to fight the infection. Some people will have a more obvious vertigo reaction in this state of rest, especially in some acute diseases.

During the first three tests, patients can bring items that could be a source of allergens (chicken bouillon powder) or foods, medicines, cosmetic products (lipsticks, lotions, facial masks), flowers and plants, chemical cleaners, spice seasoning etc.

More Materials

Negative Energy Detector

Positive Energy Protector