Golden Bough Health Care Medical Center
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武漢肺炎、封城、病毒、感冒、發燒、頑固咳嗽、哮喘、顏面麻木、中風、口眼歪斜、頭暈、耳鳴、眉尼爾氏症、中醫師 、中醫診所、鼻炎、氣喘、鼻竇炎、過敏、中藥、皮膚病、牛皮癬、青春痘、蕁麻疹、富貴手、濕疹 、香港腳、針炙、灰指甲、皮膚科、皮膚醫院、皮膚科醫生、西醫皮膚科、過敏科、花黺過敏、食物過敏、眼睛過敏、藥物過敏、皮膚炎、過敏、寵物過敏、過敏症、過敏科醫師、過敏科醫生

Traditional Chinese Medicine, Virus, Allergy, ENT, and Skin Specialist

  • Specializes in treating various virus induced ailments (e.g. cold, fever and flu), chronic cough, asthma, facial numbness, stroke, strabismus, vertigo, tinnitus, nosebleed, sinusitis, psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, stroke, hemiparesis, cerebral embolism, urticarial hives, rheumatoid arthritis, allergies related to ENT, skin and other hard-to-treat complications caused by immune system disorders etc. (including long-term side effects of tumor).

  • Derived from the traditional Chinese qi (energy) concept, Dr. Liang developed ECIWO (a non-invasive overall biogas engine feedback method) to diagnose the cause of disease (negative energy).  Dr. Liang uses pure herb medicine combined with acupuncture, exercise, meridian, relaxation and other natural methods for his patients.  His treatment procedures are highly effective yet completely non-invasive.  His unique Energy test can accurately detect the cause of allergy and illness in three minutes.  

Virus, Immunology and Allergy Specialist, Otolaryngology (ENT), Dermatology Specialist