Golden Bough Health Care Medical Center


Skin Rashes, allergies

Allergic reactions are extremely common and have a profound impact on human health. When the weather changes drastically, when it rains in the spring, or when the summer humidity is oppressive, not only are nasal problems a nuisance, but some people also suffer from skin rashes. These are symptoms of allergic diseases. Allergic reactions can be related to a person's allergic nature, as well as to living in a stressful, depressing, and anxiety-ridden environment.

Clothing, food, housing, transportation, and other aspects of daily life are full of allergens, such as chemical fibers, nylon, wool, glass fibers, and other materials made of clothing, these clothes are prone to cause itching, redness, swelling, and pain in the skin and other reactions. Some children are allergic to milk, food, and beverages from birth.

For example, yeast sensitizers are allergic to bread, buns, buns, cakes, wine, yogurt, soy sauce, vinegar, kimchi, and all pickled and fermented foods. People with sugar allergies should avoid all types of sugary foods, beverages, candies, biscuits, and sugary by-products. Mushrooms, dairy products, spices, seafood, nut proteins, and medications are also restricted.

Allergens also include dust from carpets and curtains, mites, mold, pets, flowers, plants, and animals, as well as cement, lime, paint, and plastics in decorative materials. Emotions may also cause allergic reactions, and new living environments, such as business trips, travel, and vacations, may also lead to allergic reactions, which is known as “not used to the local conditions”.

In order to prevent allergies, apart from desensitization, we should follow the four principles of “avoidance, avoidance, substitution and displacement”, and maintain the balance of the five internal organs of the body. For the treatment of allergic diseases, the traditional method is only to block the allergic symptoms, but our clinic focuses on removing the allergens, and strengthening the body by calming the spirit, relieving the liver, removing depression, clearing heat and dispersing the wind, etc., thus eliminating the allergens, and achieving long-term and stable therapeutic effects. Successful treatment requires patients and their families to adhere to the medical advice and avoid stopping in the middle of the treatment so as not to lose all the efforts.