Golden Bough Health Care Medical Center
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Psoriasis can be cured!

see Chinese translation

Today, I would like to share with you my own experience (nightmare), and I would like to thank Dr. Leung Chi Kwan for his excellent medical skills in curing my stubborn skin disease.

From February 13, 2018, many itchy rashes, red and blotchy rashes suddenly appeared on my body, itchy and dramatic columns of flare-ups, once red rashes all over my body within three days. Firstly, I saw my family doctor, who prescribed oral and topical medication of steroids, but did not give a definite diagnosis, then referred to a dermatologist specialist. The dermatologist diagnosed pityriasis rosea, and continued to prescribe similar oral and topical medications. After three trips and ultraviolet light box irradiation treatment, the efficacy of the treatment was not reduced, and even the red rash slowly began to peel off the skin, and peeled off again and again, and at times light and heavy panic cloth very much.

In this way, the daily steroid medication is not less, a total of six follow-up visits, but also added four times phototherapy illumination, and continued until May 1st. At the last follow-up appointment, the dermatologist suspected that my condition had changed and that I had psoriasis, and took skin flakes for laboratory tests to assist in the diagnosis, and prescribed a higher dose of steroids. This time I was really driven crazy!

Out of the expectation of a speedy recovery and the strong fear of psoriasis, I quickly searched for other doctors on the Internet. By chance, I found Dr. Liang Zhijun, and to be honest, I made an appointment with the intention of giving it a try.

Dr. Leung carefully asked about my medical history, carefully examined my sensitivity turned out to be viruses, molds and other kinds of negative energy, and diagnosed me as multiple acute sensitivity reactions, coupled with long-term liver qi depression, gastrointestinal disharmony and emotional and so on, immediately for me to carry out desensitization and detoxification and other treatments, and at the same time also give oral herbal tea bags and herbal anal suppositories to adjust the treatment, and tell me to make sure that I have to abstain from some food!

The first consultation was on May 1 and the follow-up on May 3. After these two treatments of desensitization and herbal remedies, the rashes on my arms and upper body improved significantly, darkened, thinned out, and the peeling decreased, followed by the improvement of the rashes on my lower legs and neck.

Thus after more than a month of treatment, I could finally be liberated, the state of high neck, long sleeves, long pants and other clothes! As the weather warmed up, I finally didn't have to wear so much and so tightly.

The dreaded red, itchy bumps and peeling skin all over my body are gone, and now the rash has subsided. After nearly four months of illness, this is really a rare success, and I can't thank Dr. Leung enough! Only the patients themselves can deeply understand the pain of being sick and the difficulty of achieving this kind of success!

Dr. Liang has really saved me from the dire straits! I would like to solemnly thank Dr. Liang: Thank you, Dr. Liang, I can't thank you enough, and I would also like to send a silk banner to Dr. Liang!

I am writing this article because I want to share my own personal experience with my patients, choose Dr. Liang, believe in Dr. Liang, Dr. Liang is really a superb medical skills, treatment method unique immunology Chinese doctors. As long as you follow Dr. Liang's instructions carefully, follow up on time, take medication, actively cooperate with the treatment, and strictly avoid any food, you will definitely get well soon!

Liu Mudan of Los Angeles, California, USA 6/7/2018

Kin Liang