Golden Bough Health Care Medical Center
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A Japanese Family’s Joyful Testimony

see Chinese Translation

Starting in October 2024, we attended the Chong Hui Bible Study Class in Baldwin City, where we met a sister named Louisa. She introduced us to Dr. Liang, a traditional Chinese medicine doctor, expressing hope that he could help our two children. After undergoing the PSQ (saliva sample) test provided by them, we discovered that four family members needed assistance:

  1. My Husband – He had long-term alcohol addiction (alcohol poisoning, alcohol allergy, emotional issues, and bipolar disorder). After two to three months of desensitization and adjustment, his bipolar disorder, severe gastrointestinal issues, and various emotional problems gradually improved.

  2. Our Eldest Son, A.K. – He suffered from hyperactivity disorder, Tourette’s syndrome, autism, hallucinations, auditory hallucinations, and bipolar disorder. He also had frequent seizures, collapsing multiple times a day. After treatment, his symptoms improved significantly and were noticeably reduced, allowing him to return to school for in-person classes.

  3. Our Fourth Son, M.N. – He was diagnosed with Five Delays Syndrome, depression, and various functional impairments, deficiencies, or delays (poor function of internal organs). He was unable to eat or swallow and had to rely on a G-tube to receive liquid nutrition directly into his stomach. He frequently experienced digestive, absorption, and excretion problems, leading to bloating, body odor, excessive gas, and gurgling noises from his throat. These issues often triggered episodes of bipolar disorder in his father and brother.

    Dr. Liang identified the root causes and prioritized the treatment accordingly. Using a targeted desensitization therapy with positive energy magnetic pulses, he first eliminated negative energy from the body, then rebalanced and strengthened the organs. As a result, our son’s organs gradually regained strength, his physical condition improved, and he went from being unable to walk and fearing movement to bravely walking, climbing stairs, and even running. His caregiver constantly encouraged him, boosting his confidence in facing the future.

  4. My Own Health – After giving birth to five children and caring for three with health issues, I was constantly exhausted, running between specialists, clinics, and hospitals while also dealing with my husband and sons’ struggles. Every day, I woke up to overwhelming challenges.

    Dr. Liang helped me address my gynecological issues, including endometriosis, depression, heavy metal poisoning, and mycoplasma infection, which had weakened my internal organs. Fortunately, we purchased three Positive Energy Protection Devices, which provided significant assistance—like having three dedicated nurses helping us care for our four severely ill family members. These devices also helped alleviate the negative emotions and gastric pain triggered by my husband’s drinking and mitigated other complications caused by mycoplasma infection.

We are deeply grateful to all the kind-hearted individuals we met at the Dao Center in Los Angeles, as well as to Dr. Liang Zhijun, who guided and treated us. Our family’s problems have been resolved, and we are filled with immense gratitude.

Thank you! Thank you, everyone!

Kin Liang