Golden Bough Health Care Medical Center
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Never Had To Use Nasal Steroidal Sprays

Since 1987 I had been treated for chronic sinus headaches. I being a physician, had gone through all conventional investigations and treatments, including steroidal and nasal sprays for chronic "sinusitis". I underwent Ear, Nose and Throat surgical intervention, all to no avail. By 2006 my symptoms, especially my headaches were so severe. I underwent all allergy testing by top physicians at my university of employment, including C.T scan and MRI. All the tests showed no pathology. I was by then only be able to function on daily dose of steroids on average 20mg of prednisone. One of my patient who was a friend, noticed that I was developing a moon face, found out in conversation what was going on and asked if I didn't mind alternative treatment. I was ready to try anything. She gave me Dr. Liang's number.

Dr. Liang's methods are time proven in alternative medicine literature, though not so in traditional western medicine. I will not go into any details about his methods, I will tell you though, I followed his instructions to the letter, including what to avoid. As he told me what to avoid, I realized it was something I ate daily and yes, it suddenly dawned on me that my headaches and "sinusitis" came up after meal times. Within 2 days my headaches and sinus issues disappeared. I have never had to use those nasal steroidal sprays nor take oral prednisone since 2006. in August 2016, I suddenly started having asthma and went back to Dr. Liang. Again he found the offending cause and it turned out to be an ingredient in new eye drops I just started using for dry eyes. Needless to say I have been in great health since.

I am writing this to encourage anyone skeptical as I was a little in the beginning to know that his method works and I am open to share my experience with anyone who would wish to interview me.


Dr. Leslie

Kin Liang