Golden Bough Health Care Medical Center
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New Hope for People with Mental Illness

Have you watched A Beautiful Mind, a biographical movie based on the life of John Nash, who is a Nobel prize winner?  When young, he was brilliant mathematician, a profession at Princeton University, and married a beautiful physicist. However, he struggled with schizophrenia later, although under the support of his wife, his condition finally improved and recovered. He was awarded Nobel Prize in Economics due to his earlier contributions to game theory. John Nash was very lucky to end his life with fame and honor. An ordinary person with mental illness and his family, however often struggle with mental illness all life long, fighting a battle that will never win, living like in the hell. Finally, abandoned by all family members, the person with mental illness often ends up on the street.

I understand the pain of people with mental illness, because I also experienced this living hell. My husband has been a top student in high school and college, worked for a prestigious company upon graduation, and soon promoted to head the Paris office.  However, he crashed under work pressure, started drinking and then all the sudden lost his mind. He was diagnosed bipolar disorder, and start a life of living hell.

The love between people in this mundane world are always conditional, with the exception of mothers’ love, which come from instinct. However even mothers’ love to children has a limitation. As soon as he became sick, his girlfriend, who is bright and beautiful, left him over time. He later decided to go to Harvard to pursue MBA, and just before he could graduate as an outstanding student, he had a relapse and then expelled. Since then, he has been struggling with his mental illness condition, until I met him, when he is homeless and penniless, with nowhere to stay but his aunt’s garage. 

If you are not familiar with people with mental illness, you may ask why didn’t his family take care of him? The fact is, as depicted in the movie A Beautiful Mind, people with mental illness are often violent, and could also be addicted to drugs and alcohol.  His aunt has been so kind that sheltered him in her garage, but as she aged, she couldn’t continue her support, so he became homeless. Even though the family knows that his behavior is caused by sickness, everybody has a boundary.  The bottom line is that the act of kindness can’t endanger the helper’s own existence.

Although he had totally lost his mind, his intelligence still shined from time to time. We must have a connection from past lives, because I started accommodating him after I met him, and simply couldn’t leave him homeless. Later on, after jailed up for a few months without alcohol, he recovered from the episode. Some doctors diagnosed him as alcohol triggered psychosis, as long as he can remain sober, he remains sane. He stayed sober and quickly found a well-paid job, we got married. However, this is not the happily ever after story of frog prince. He quickly had a relapse since he couldn’t endure any pressure or misfortune. When he has sanity, he is a cooperate executive; when he lost his sanity, he is a homeless sleeping in the park, violent and attacked on the street, with injure from head to toe, and he often ends up in the prison.  Over all these years, I live either in the heaven or the hell, depending on which mental state my husband is in. I don’t want to see him suffering, however since my own physical and mental health is also touching the bottom after years of suffering, I can no longer support him. 

By chance I met Dr Liang, a specialist in immunology and allergy.  To cure my own chronic condition, I tried his unique energy healing therapy.  You never know until you try it. I am so surprised that Dr. Liang accurately diagnosed a condition that other doctors can’t tell even when face to face.  Additionally, he specified the cause of my condition. What really blew my mind is that he can heal mental problems, from anxiety, anger to depression. My husband has been in an episode for more than a year, drinking and drugging with no chance to quit.  The doctors told him that they have never seen any living being with such high blood alcohol level, indicating he is bordering death. Now he may have a chance to survive!      

I challenged Dr. Liang with my husband’s case, which had no cure over twenty years.  Dr. Liang agreed to try, under the condition that I would continue to offer my husband emotional support. Furthermore, Dr. Liang suggested intensive healing approach, which means that he conducts treatments three times a day as soon as photo update is received. Dr. Liang can help the patient with varies conditions, including emotional reactions, which are possibly caused by contaminants and allergens, by conducting desensitization/neutralization/audio exchange release after thorough inspection and analysis.  Dr. Liang told me that the healing result is unexpectedly good. I still doubted at the beginning though, since I couldn’t identify any obvious behavioral change of my husband.  However, I trust Dr. Liang, and keep the therapy going. In about a week or say six therapy sessions, my husband had totally changed.  He was injured all over when he fell on the street due to seizure caused by alcohol withdrawal. Even the policeman escorted him to the hospital was impressed. Now reviewing all the photos of my husband that I sent to Dr. Liang, every photo shows an improvement from the previous one.  My husband has turned into a human from a beast, recovered his mind, and then arranged nearly two months detox and rehab program for himself. During the whole healing process, Dr. Liang has been accurately predicting the progress, as well as advising me accordingly. I am amazed at the wonder Dr. Liang has achieved with advanced technology, coupled with traditional Chinese medicine.  

If you or your loved ones are also suffering from mental illness conditions, what are you still waiting for? Well, on the other hand, although this healing therapy worked effectively for my husband’s case, maybe just like taking medication, the speed and effectiveness varies case by case.  You must trust the doctor and follow Dr. Liang’s advices. 

I wish that Dr. Liang enjoy a long life to save patients who are in desperate needs. I wish that all the people with mental illness could be healed by Dr. Liang and enjoy life to its full extent.

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Kin Liang