Golden Bough Health Care Medical Center
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Success in the ICU of Boston Children’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School

With impact of pandemics, Dr. Liang had the opportunity to collaborate with the world’s leading medical facility at Boston Children’s Hospital and succeeded in saving a young patient from a coma to the road of recovery.  This case exhibited the excellence and the possibility of Chinese medicine.

With deep hope and anticipation from the patient’s family, Dr. Liang was invited to Boston Children’s Hospital on October 13, 2014 to save a 9 year old in a coma followed a cerebral hemorrhage surgery.

Young patient had cerebral hemorrhage 7 days ago on October 7, 2014 and lapsed into a coma 5 days after the surgery.  Three other similar cases occurred around the same period at which the cause and pathogenesis had not been identified, rescue efforts did not succeed.

In efforts of identifying the cause, the medical team performed two CT, three MRI and an angiograph on the 9 year old young patient, the cause of condition had not been identified at the time.

Dr. Liang participated in diagnosis upon arrival and identified condition to be triggered by the infestation of Ebola virus resulted the antibiotic reaction in the immune system. Dr. Liang immediately implemented <ECIWO Electro Acupuncture and Quantum Positive Energy Treatment>.  Improvement was seen and patient woke up from coma after twenty treatments.  Conditions stabilized in the next 3 to 5 days.  Patient was transferred to the rehabilitation center about 10 days later and followed 2 months of rehabilitation, patient was discharged from the hospital to return home.  Patient achieved 99.9% recovery approximately 6 months later.

In review, young patient was the only case that received dual treatment of Chinese medicine and Western medicine.  Without the efforts of excellent medical team and resources at Boston Children’s Hospital, Dr. Liang would not have the opportunity of contribute to the efforts and success.

The gratitude is also with God’s blessings.

Two months after healing, this girl could dance happily with ribbons.


Kin Liang