Golden Bough Health Care Medical Center
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Thirty years of stubborn skin disease was finally solved and restored to health!

Since June 2023, my skin allergy, and then a serious relapse, the whole has been thirty years of skin problems, but has not been completely resolved, has been to see a Western medical specialists, Chinese medicine, take all the Chinese and Western medicines, injections, and even acupuncture, but only for a few days, the medicine stops after two weeks and then again, always can not be cured, over and over again, the skin problems, just can not be cured. My husband suggested that we should change doctors, existing skin specialists, Western medicine, Chinese medicine seems to be unable to deal with, and finally I found the Department of Immuno-Allergy Dr. Leung Chi-jun, accepted his diagnosis, and surprisingly, he found that I was a heavy metals, chemicals caused by allergic reactions (due to frying pans released heavy metals and virtual chemical substances caused by allergic reactions), and he used the body of the positive Qi energy device acupuncture points with help me get rid of the allergens, and then I had to go to the hospital. In addition to the allergens, two months later my skin even got better, the attached photo changes; ignited my desire for a complete cure, Dr. Leung encouraged me to be treated with the treatment during the treatment of the key points of the full record published can also accumulate merit, benefit millions of patients of the body, mind and soul of the health of the healing process is as follows:

  1. Two weeks after Dr. Leung's treatment, he found out that the spring mattress we used for 30 years had accumulated a large amount of heavy metals and rare chemicals, which had to be eliminated and replaced!

  2. He also found out that the frying pans and kettles I bought from the supermarket were contaminated with heavy metals and chemicals, and had to be replaced with new ones!

  3. My underwear and jeans were also found to be contaminated with heavy metals and had to be washed in the washing machine using the EQEP Qi Energy Meter before they could be worn again!

  4. The backrest and seat cushion of my work chair, which I have been sitting in for 20 years, were also contaminated with heavy metals and had to be desensitized!

  5. Then maintain three times a week E Q E P Qi Energy Instrument to remove the allergens from the five viscera and six bowels of the whole body after health is finally restored!

I followed the above five methods to complete the treatment to strengthen the maintenance of a good non-toxic environment, and changed my life, after this treatment, I am now 98% cured. Because there are so many allergens in life that previous doctors did not find out which ones: preservatives, heavy metals, moldy foods, viruses, superbugs, emotions, etc., and individual patients also contain their own bad allergens, we are very grateful to Dr. Leung for this unique method and treatment process that cured me! My friend! Do you have any other hidden illnesses? Dr. Leung can surely help you to get well! Our family is very impressed and thankful to him.

Stage 1

Stage 2

Stage 3

Stage 4
30 years of skin disease caused by heavy metals, chemical sensitization. After the end of treatment. Photos taken after 2.5 months of stopping medication, desensitization, and avoiding food.

Kin Liang