Golden Bough Health Care Medical Center
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What can I do if I have allergies and headaches that I can't figure out?

In 2006, I had a severe headache because I was allergic to something. As an American medical doctor with over 30 years of experience, I underwent all the medical tests, including CT scans and MRIs. The test reports were all normal and no cause could be found. Dr. Leung's skills have been proven over time in the alternative medicine literature. He managed to cure me and within two days my headaches and sinus problems disappeared completely. During this outbreak, I used the EQEP Environmental Energy Protection Device he invented to protect all of my clinic staff and my family with very successful results.

Leslie A. Bruce-Lyle, M.D.

American Academy of Ophthalmology physician specializing in the medical and surgical treatment of glaucoma.

Kin Liang