Golden Bough Health Care Medical Center

Viral Infection-en

Viruses, Bacteria, Superbugs

Spring and summer consume Yang, some of the spleen Yang deficiency or innate poorer people and because of the summer “over-eating cold and cold, cold and cold winter will be sick warm”, confirming the Chinese medical saying that “positive energy within the existence of the evil can not be dry, the evil of the compact, its gas will be weak. Dr. Liang advises friends not to ignore it, as the old saying goes: “Don't let a small good deed go unnoticed”. The source of all diseases starts from the senses, do not let a small disease go untreated. Through the unity of the senses, and the patient's tongue, provided by the toothbrush. After magnification, we can compare with the specimen in the database to identify the virus, bacteria, super bacteria, mold, heavy metals, chemical elements, radiation, or various allergens.

Dr. Leung, based on 40 years of medical experience, developed the Environmental Positive Qi Energy Health Protection Device, after experimental adjustments, updates (and by several U.S. traditional specialists in Western medicine MD affirmation of verification), the EQEP Environmental Positive Qi Energy Health Protection Device, actually helped to solve a lot of viral infections of the patient. We already know that the human body has amazing energy properties! Through the electronic pulse frequency can change the brain's energy changes method, attracted the attention of the medical profession, can slow down, reverse aging, the use of the brain's energy properties, can also slow down mild Alzheimer's disease, epileptic patients seizures and other functions!