Golden Bough Health Care Medical Center


How to reduce the after effects impact of the novel virus

Wishing you a healthy & safe year in 2020!

While influenza viruses circulate year-round, most of the time flu activity peaks between December and February, but its activity can last as late as May. Currently, we are facing the threat of global spreading of coronavirus pandemic in addition to the seasonal flu, influenza A&B and other viruses. If you have symptoms such as cold, cough, sore throat, runny nose, irregular breathing, Loss of smell and taste, chest discomfort, headache, dizziness, stomach pain, diarrhea, and musculoskeletal disorders etc., make sure to seek medical attention immediately as these symptoms could be a sign of complications caused by a virus infection. If there is no obvious improvement afterwards or you are unable to receive urgent medical treatment for any reason, you may try the "Quantum Energy(Qi) Healing Treatment" to alleviate the discomfort by listening to the music above. This method is simple and effective. We provide this free treatment here in hopes of assisting you, your family and friends to overcome difficult time of worldwide health crisis. A word of advice, virus infection can cause serious long-term damage to various organs. If you respond well to the music healing treatment here, if you live in the LA area, and would like further treatment, you can contact us for further diagnosis and in-depth treatment. Call 626-617-2278 to schedule an appointment.



  1. The music that you listen to here is able to adjust immune function both ways. It can alleviate and reduce the damage caused by the current epidemic virus infection.

  2. Dr. Liang warmly reminds you to follow the instructions to the T.  Make sure to hold a bottle of water and your own toothbrush by the brush head (as shown in the picture).  Click the button to listen to the music.  After repeating the music twice (roughly 8 minutes), you must dispose the water in the bottle by draining it into a sink or toilet (do not drink the water).  Fill the bottle with clean tap water.  Dry brushing your teeth 7 or 8 times inside each side of your mouth to cover the brush with saliva, hold the brush head again and repeat the process in order to achieve better treatment result!

  3. Listening to the music 4 times makes up one cycle. If you feel better after listening to the music, repeat the treatment once every 2-3 hours. We recommend repeating the cycle at least 3 times a day. Do at least a course of 10 cycles for negative qi symptoms and effects of the novel virus. The more you do the better!

  4. You can help your family member to do the treatment in the emergency room or the intensive care unit by playing the music using your cell phone. Make sure to have the patient holding a bottle of water and his/her tooth brush at the same time (follow the instruction above). It will not affect the western medicine treatment!

If you have any questions or need further consultation, please contact us. We will respond to you as soon as possible. If you find the treatment effective, please share our website to others so that they can also benefit from this healing method during the pandemic.

Please note: This is not meant to treat the virus itself, only a vaccine may do that. This treatment is only meant to lessen the side effects. Please do not use this as your only treatment for serious confirmed cases, we encourage you to seek western medical intervention if you need it and if it is available to you. And as always, please follow the recommended CDC recommendations for avoiding community transmission, wash your hands frequently, wear masks when appropriate, don’t touch your face, and practice social distancing.

Q & A

Q1: Can a family of 5-6 people take the treatment simultaneously? How should we do it?

A1: The whole family can take the treatment at the same time. Dr. Liang successfully treated a group of 20-30 people every 15-20 minutes during his charity care trips in Myanmar, Cambodia and South Africa. The key is that everyone must hold his/her own Q tip with saliva or toothbrush and their own bottle of water while listening to the music.       

Q2: What is the principle of this treatment and how effective is it? 

A2: The treatment combines the principal of energy (Qi) modulation and biofeedback. Try the music treatment and read patient’s testimonial “COVID-19 attacks - Early detection is the key!”, “My story of fighting the new virus”, and “Thank you for all you've done for us. We are blessed to have you in our family!” to see the patient experiences for yourself.

Q3: Will it work if I listen to other similar music or download the same music somewhere else?

A3:  Absolutely not. Other music does not contain the Energy Qi modulators required for effective treatment.  

Q4: Wow! The power of leverage is evidenced by your method.  I finally am able to scratch the surface of your treatment.  What a magical process! 

A4: Currently we do not understand much about the “dark matter”. The portion that has been revealed does not exceed 10%. The reason why scientists call it dark matter is that, apart from its mysterious nature, it is invisible and undetectable. "Dark matter" corresponds to the general "bright matter". In fact; dark matter is not just the conjecture of big scientists. It was first derived from the famous theory of general relativity. In 1915, Einstein first put forward the theory of general relativity, he reasoned that the average density of cosmic matter must reach 5 × 10 ^ -30 grams per cubic centimeter in order for the entire universe to remain stable. Later observations revealed that the density of the cosmic material is much smaller than this theoretical value and it is actually 100 times smaller.

Q5: Why do different people show different symptoms during and after the viral infection? 

A5: Under traditional Chinese medical principals, each person's internal organs are different in strength and weakness. Therefore, the symptoms also vary after exposure to a virus.  Virus attacks each individual’s weakest spots. There are respiratory system types, gastrointestinal system types, nervous system types and mucous system types, etc.  Treatment ought to aim at removing the root cause instead of masking the symptoms. Once the cause (the virus) is removed, the symptoms will cease or be greatly reduced.

If you have already done blood test, CT scan, MRI and a full assessment by traditional western medicine physicians, but still cannot determine the cause of illness or have not received effective treatment, we strongly encourage you to try the "Qi / ECIWO Energy Test" by Dr. Liang (a non-Western medicine physician).  Qi manipulation: Itemized as Qi/ECIWO Energy Test. The technique involves the manipulation of Qi with magnets or a magnetic field. The flow of Qi will be tested using the Qi muscle test.

The detection method is simple, safe, fast and noninvasive.  It has no side effects. If you are willing to try the diagnostic and treatment methods involving bio-energy, music, and magnetic field signals, please sign your name under the Patient Consent Statement section below.

Patient Consent Statement:The procedure and results have been explained to me by the doctor to my satisfaction.  I understand that Qi manipulation is an acceptable technique under the California acupuncture practice scope 4937(b). I also understand that this treatment is noninvasive and has no side effects.

Patient Signature      __________________________________

Print Name (First, Last)    ____________________________

Please don’t hesitate to contact Dr.Liang: Phone/Text: (626)617-2278

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