Golden Bough Health Care Medical Center


How to End a Miserable Pollen Allergy?

Hay fever or seasonal allergic rhinitis (allergic rhinitis / hay fever / spring fever) occurs most frequently from February to August. In fact, hay fever is only one of the types of nasal allergies, and does not only occur in the spring, but also occurs in all seasons, different countries Europe, China, Taiwan, Japan, Southeast Asia, etc. Symptoms include sneezing, runny nose, tearing, nasal congestion, itching of the eyes, nose, throat, eyes, coughing, etc. In severe cases, it may lead to asthma complications, sinusitis, headache, inflammation of the inner and middle ears, such as dizziness, tinnitus, etc. The symptoms of this condition are often slightly irritated, and may be caused by the presence of a sinus infection. Often the slightest stimulus to seizures, especially the poor quality of qi especially in the morning, wake up in the middle of the night or when the weather changes, especially. Some patients have several attacks in one day, similar to a cold but different from the common cold; because of viral colds, there will be fatigue, body pain, or fever and chills, etc., and it will take about ten days to get better.

Recently, we have also found that existing allergic individuals have a series of allergic symptoms induced by the cold virus infection, which are not the so-called fast-approaching and fast-approaching, but rather prolonged for a long time, and are often seen in outpatient clinics that are erratic and sometimes light. In the U.S., more than 50 million people (33%) suffer from allergies and spend more than $3.8 billion on medications such as Clartin, which sold $870 million in 1997 and $2.3 billion in 1999. According to statistics from an insurance company, patients with a variety of allergies caused by allergy-related problems pay an average of more than $10,000 per patient per year to a traditional U.S. doctor.

Why are immigrants or people who have changed to a new environment prone to allergies after three or four years?

Why do people get allergies three to four years after coming to the United States? Most of the allergy sufferers are busy working, adapting to life, and starting their own business in the new environment. After three to four years, although they have achieved success in starting their own business, their body cannot compensate for the stress of the past, which is the basis of the innate nature of the kidneys, and the kidneys are the official of making strength; The term “Zuo-Qiang” refers to a person's physical and mental strength and a certain degree of endurance. The relationship between the Kidney and one's “strength” and “skill” is mainly based on the marrow-generating function of the Essence in the Kidney. Medulla includes bone marrow, brain marrow and spinal cord. When the essence in the kidney is strong, the bone marrow, cerebral medulla and spinal cord will be full, and one's movements will be light and powerful, and one will be able to move with agility and ease. On the contrary, if the essence in the kidney is weak, the bone marrow, cerebral medulla and spinal cord will also be insufficient, which may lead to tinnitus, weakness of the limbs and even mental dullness. Spleen and stomach for the “after the day of this is the source of biochemistry”, water and grains rely on this and putrefaction, and the birth of new blood, nourishing other organs and organs, if the stomach qi is weak, then the five viscera are bound to be involved in the disease, that is, the emergence of the “yang qi sinks, the yang fire on the multiplication of the” pathological state. Therefore, the spleen and kidneys are important organs to maintain the life activities of the human body, “the spleen is not as good as the nine orifices.” The spleen and kidneys are important organs for maintaining the body's vital activities. “If the spleen is not able to do its job, the nine orifices will be blocked.” “Headache, tinnitus and unfavorable condition of the nine orifices are caused by the spleen and the kidneys. Spleen and kidney disorders are all due to the past days of struggle, eat all the food, physical strength, and not enough to make ends meet, pre-expenditure, in the new environment, had been busy with life, work overworked, but did not have a good rest and exercise resulting in the five visceral disorders and do not know that the human body's “immune system” (immune system) successively send out warning signals; such as the various symptoms of allergies that is, “the immune system”, in order to prevent the offense of foreign antigens, it that is the “immune system”, in order to avoid the “immune system”. For example, the symptoms of allergy is the “immune system”, in order to prevent the offense of foreign antigens, it will secrete several kinds of immune antibodies such as antibodies to resist or eliminate the pathogens. In most of the people who are not in harmony with their organs, the ratio of beneficial immunoglobulin and harmful immunoglobulin is not proportional, and when they come into contact with similar allergens, the combination of these allergens and antibodies will lead to the release of histamine and serotonin from the mast cells. This chemical will lead to the dilation of blood vessels and increase of osmotic fluid, resulting in redness and swelling of the nasal mucosa and itchy skin, etc. In addition, inhalation of airborne dust, smoke, fragrance, pollution and other allergic substances may also prompt the body to react, in short, the creation of antibodies, antigenic resistance, the body will appear allergic symptoms, when the body's strength is declining, allergic symptoms become more obvious, usually in the spring when the slightest stimulus to the onset of the attack, in particular, in the morning, when the weather changes or the body is in a state of shock. Usually, allergic symptoms are more obvious when the body's strength deteriorates:

What are the six major allergens?

(1) All kinds of flowers, plants, trees, pollen, and dead grass.

(2) kinds of food (including meat, vegetarian food), vegetables, fruits, meat, seafood, foreign protein, food coloring.

(3) All kinds of animals, fur, secretions, chicken feathers, cockroaches, cat and dog dander, insects, and so on.

4) All kinds of drugs, cosmetics (chemical, natural, animal, plant, spices), preservatives, western medicine, etc.

(5) Air pollution, dust (house dust), dust mites, perfumes, aromatics, cigarette smoke, fluffy toys, etc.

6) Emotions (psychological problems and genetic factors), stress, depression, anxiety, rheumatism, tumors, various viruses, etc.

Most people with nasal allergies have a family history of the disease. The incidence of children with allergic symptoms in one parent is 40-60%, and the incidence in children with allergic parents is 80%.

What is the traditional treatment for pollen allergy?

In modern medicine, antihistamines and steroids can help to control the symptoms and solve the problem temporarily. However, if used for a long period of time, they may cause side effects, such as dizziness, tiredness, reduced ability to think, and in the case of steroids, reduced resistance to disease, peptic ulcers, high blood pressure, osteoporosis, menstrual disorders, etc. If the above methods are not effective, a doctor should be consulted. If this does not work, the doctor may recommend moving or changing the environment, which may be effective for a short time, but in the end, the disease will come back and never end.

How does the clinic treat?

Diseases are not inherent in the human body and can be eliminated if they can be obtained; those who say they cannot be cured have not yet obtained the technique]. People grow up according to nature, and their bodies must make relative adjustments and adaptations to nature. Observing the relationship between people and nature from the viewpoint of ecological medicine, the only way to survive and grow is to adapt to the changes in nature. “Allergens” are objective and common in nature; they are the “external conditions” that cause disease. Symptoms of allergy, such as respiratory coughing, allergy, asthma, etc., are “symptoms” and “symptoms”; the body's deficiencies, unstable internal environment and malfunctioning of anti-disease regulating ability are “internal” and “fundamental” symptoms. Proper diagnosis must be made before treatment can be given, and exercise is important to improve the function of the body's immune system, stabilize the body's internal environment, strengthen the body's adaptive regulation and disease-fighting ability, and improve the sensitivity of the respiratory tract is the supreme principle, so that the health can be stabilized and gradually restore normalcy.

For the treatment of this disease, traditional Western medicine, Chinese medicine, Chinese herbal medicine, and acupuncture often have an immediate effect on nasal allergy, but ultimately there is still a long way to go before it can be cured, and even the later scholars have entered the realm of DNA with a more positive attitude, developing special treatments for the detection of allergens, desensitization, and nasal medicine.

Over the years, our clinic has observed that allergic symptoms may begin at birth, at an early age, or at the age of ten, but they are not limited to the digestive tract, the respiratory tract, and also include itchy skin, hives, and atopic dermatitis. The age of onset of the disease is not certain, there have been infants as young as six months old, but most of them start at the age of three or four years old. If left untreated or not treated thoroughly, the disease often worsens, and is accompanied by bronchial asthma, chronic gastroenteritis, and other conditions, resulting in lifelong regret for growing up with mood disorders, dysautonomia, or immune dysfunctions.

Kin Liang