Golden Bough Health Care Medical Center


Atrophic Rhinitis: Even Doctors are Helpless

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Atrophic rhinitis, also known as nasal haggardness or nasal dryness in Chinese medicine, is a slow-developing nose disease that is more common in women than in men, causing atrophy of the nasal mucous membrane and spreading downward to the nasopharynx, oropharynx, laryngopharynx, and other areas. Some doctors believe that it is a systemic disease, which causes atrophy of the nasal mucosa in the nose.

Causes: Primary and secondary atrophic rhinitis.

1. Primary: Traditionally, it is thought to be associated with: a. Endocrine disorders. b. Autonomic disorders. c. Bacterial infections. d. Malnutrition. e. Genetic factors. f. Low cholesterol. g. Nasal atrophy. h. Nasal mucous membrane atrophy. i. Nasal mucous membrane atrophy. j. Nasal mucous membrane atrophy. k. Atrophic rhinitis. In recent years, it has also been found to be associated with micronutrient deficiencies (imbalances) and with immune function (autoimmune disorders).

2. Secondary: The causes of this type of disease are clear. a. Chronic rhinitis and chronic sinusitis and other purulent secretions for long-term stimulation. b. High concentration of harmful dust or chemical gases for long-term stimulation. c. Multiple or inappropriate nasal surgeries resulting in extensive damage to the mucous membranes. d. Specific infectious diseases, such as tuberculosis, syphilis, and leprosy, which can also damage the mucous membranes. e. Special infectious diseases, such as tuberculosis, syphilis, and leprosy. f. Low cholesterol.


Chronic inflammatory changes in the mucosa of the nasal cavity in the early stages, followed by progressive atrophy of the mucosa, periosteum, and blood vessels, resulting in occlusive arteritis, poor blood supply, and ultimately atrophy of the mucosal glands, periosteum, and even bone.

Clinical manifestations:

Nasopharyngeal dryness: atrophy of the glands and decreased secretion, prolonged open-mouth breathing. Often need to blow the nose and sneeze violently, often feel a foreign body sensation in the nasal cavity.

Nasal congestion: obstruction by pus and scabs in the nasal cavity leads to atrophy of the sensory nerves of the nasal mucosa, which results in dull sensation and is mistaken as nasal congestion.

Nosebleed: due to dryness, atrophy, thinning of nasal mucosa, and itchy nose; caused by picking or blowing the nose with force → leading to capillary damage and thus causing bleeding.

Olfactory disturbances: atrophy of the mucous membrane in the olfactory region of the nasal cavity or blockage by pus and scabs.

Bad odor: in advanced or severe cases; caused by the decay and decomposition of proteins in the pus crusts; therefore, this disease is also called Ozena.

Headache, dizziness, easy choking: this is due to the atrophy and thinning of nasal mucosa and nasal turbinates, failure of warming and thermoregulation, inability to raise the temperature by inhaling cold air, resulting in vascular contraction of the head and poor closure of the epiglottis cartilage, leading to easy choking.

Chinese medicine treatment: It is believed that this disease is caused by:

(a) Lung deficiency, nasal loss of nourishment: dryness in the nose, turbid, yellowish-green, or a little blood, many scabs, itchy throat, coughing, lack of power of speech, red tongue with little moss and small pulse.

Lung deficiency, insufficient qi and fluid, or vomiting and loss of fluid, the muscle membrane of the nasal orifices is deprived of nourishment; therefore, the muscle membrane is dry and reddish in color.

Prescription: Clearing dryness to save the lungs soup, nourishing yin to clear the lungs soup.

Definition: To nourish yin, moisten dryness, and promote the dispersal of lung evils. In the formula, use Colla Corii Asini, hemp kernel, maitong to moisten dryness and nourish yin, Codonopsis Pilosulae, Licorice to benefit the vital energy and promote the production of fluid, Mulberry Leaves, Almonds, Loquat Leaves to promote the dispersal of lung evils, and Gypsum to clear the heat of the lungs and promote the production of fluid. If the nasal dryness and atrophy of the muscle membrane is severe, add ginseng, tian dong, shou wu.

If nasal dryness and myocardial atrophy are serious, add ginseng, tian dong, shou wu, angelica to nourish blood and promote muscle growth. ⊙For kidney deficiency and lung deficiency, it is also advisable to nourish the lungs and kidneys, so that the yin fluid is sufficient and the lungs and kidneys can be nourished to bring down the deficiency fire.

(b) Spleen qi weakness, dampness and heat: nasal mucus is like syrup and cheese, the color is yellowish and light green, the scabs are thin, and the inner membrane of the nose is reddish. Atrophy is more serious nasal odor, patients eat less abdominal distension, fatigue, less breath, loose stools, pale lips and tongue, white moss, pulse is slow.

Analysis: Weakness of spleen qi, insufficient qi and blood production, water and grain essence cannot be transported upward to fill the lungs; the nose is not moistened; the muscle membrane is dry and pale in color. Spleen deficiency and dampness stops, and heat is generated from depression. Dampness and heat vaporize and burn, therefore, the muscle membrane in the nose atrophies, and the nasal scabs are yellowish-green in color. Low food intake, bloating, loose stools, fatigue, pale lips and tongue are symptoms of spleen deficiency.

Prescription: tonifying the middle and benefiting the qi, combining with Siwu Tang, plus or minus. It can strengthen the spleen and stomach, raise the clear yang, generate vital energy and blood, and moisten the dryness of the nose.

The formula: tonifying the middle and benefiting the qi, strengthening the spleen, raising the qi, lowering the turbidity, cultivating the earth and generating the gold, and nourishing the blood and activating the blood with the Four Essences Soup to moisten the dryness of the nose and promote the growth of the muscles. ⊙For stubborn cases that have not responded to long-term treatment, according to the theories of “prolonged illnesses have more blood stasis” and “stasis of blood does not go away, and new blood does not come into being”, products that activate blood circulation and remove blood stasis, such as peach kernel, safflower, dan shen (丹参), red peony (赤芍), danpi (丹皮), leeches (水蛭) and gadflies (虻虫) can be used appropriately.

(C) Lung and Kidney Yin Deficiency: Symptoms include dry nostrils, dry and sore throat, vexation and heat in hands and feet, red tongue with little moss and small pulse, and other lung and kidney Yin deficiency.

Analysis: If kidney deficiency affects the lungs, it is advisable to nourish the lungs and kidneys.

Prescription: Lily and Gold Soup.

Definition: Lily and Erdi nourish the lungs and kidneys as the main medicines, Maitong helps Lily to moisten the lungs, Xuanshen helps Erdi to nourish the kidneys and clear away heat as the adjuvant, and the combination of these two medicines makes the yin fluid sufficient, and the lungs and kidneys nourished so that the deficiency will be reduced.

Care and Maintenance

Keep nasal passages clean and moist. Remove nasal mucus and scabs regularly. Disable or minimize the use of vasoconstrictive sprays.

To prevent and control chronic diseases, strengthen nutrition and eat more vegetables, fruits and beans. Eat less cold, spicy, hot and dry food.

Exercise often; avoid strenuous exercise, prevent colds and enhance body resistance.

Improve the working environment, keep clean air and humidity, and wear a mask. Find an experienced doctor and get an accurate diagnosis and treatment as soon as possible; do not avoid seeking medical treatment.

Kin Liang