Golden Bough Health Care Medical Center


Weather Changes - Nosebleeds are Variables

In addition to allergic symptoms that can cause nose problems in the ENT clinic, nosebleeds can also be a source of stress and sometimes affect the whole body. There are many causes of nosebleeds. First, it is a structural problem of the nose. It is a structural problem of the nose. It can also be caused by certain systemic diseases, such as blood in the nose in mild cases, or heavy bleeding and shock in severe cases, or repeated bleeding leading to anemia, so how to further understand, care and treatment is a very important topic. Usually, nosebleeds are most likely to occur in the venous plexus area in front of and below the nasal septum, and almost all of the children's patients have nosebleeds in this area. Nosebleeds caused by allergies after a seasonal change in the weather or after eating chicken are also more common in this area. A small number of severe bleeding patients tend to occur in the posterior part of the nasal cavity (more common in the elderly and patients with nasal tumors).

Causes of nosebleeds: They can be broadly categorized into local and systemic causes.

I. Local causes

(1) Trauma: Trauma to the nasal cavity and sinuses may be combined with fractures of the anterior or middle cranial orbital bases, which may damage the anterior sieve artery or the internal carotid artery. (Bleeding may be severe and life-threatening). Bleeding can be caused by digging the nose, blowing the nose with force, sneezing vigorously, nasal foreign bodies, etc., which may damage the blood vessels of the nasal mucosa. (2) Allergic rhinitis and sinusitis: the inflammation of the nasal mucosa caused by the mucosa (after dry stripping) damage to the blood vessels and bleeding, especially in hot and dry seasons or chicken (chicken, eggs, birds, turkey, and chicken essence used in stir-frying, etc.), nuts, and other foreign proteins are prone to cause nosebleeds. (3) Nasal septum lesion: Various forms of nasal septum deviation, septum erosion, ulcer or perforation are common causes of bleeding. (4) Tumor: malignant tumor in nasal cavity, sinus or nasopharynx may ulcerate and bleed. In the early stage, there is often a small amount of bleeding over and over again, and in the late stage, it may damage the large blood vessels and may lead to hemorrhage.

II. Systemic causes.

Any systemic disease that can cause increased arterial or venous pressure, coagulation disorders, or changes in vascular tone can lead to nosebleeds. For example

(1) Acute febrile infectious diseases: such as influenza, hemorrhagic fever, measles, malaria, typhoid fever and infectious hepatitis. (2) Cardiovascular diseases: such as hypertension, vascular sclerosis and congestive heart failure. (3) Hematological diseases: abnormal coagulation mechanism, such as hemophilia, collagen disease and heavy use of anticoagulants. (4) Nutritional disorders or vitamin deficiencies: such as vitamin C, K, P, or calcium deficiency. (5) Chronic diseases of the liver and kidney and rheumatic fever: Liver dysfunction often results in blood clotting disorders, uremia causes damage to small blood vessels, and children with rheumatic fever often suffer from nosebleeds. (6) Poisoning: Phosphorus, mercury, arsenic, benzene, and other chemical poisoning can damage the hematopoietic system, such as long-term use of salicylic acid drugs can lead to a reduction in blood coagulant. (7) Hereditary hemorrhagic capillary disease, usually with family history. (8) Endocrine disorders: Nosebleeds may occur during menstruation and premenstrual bleeding during puberty, menopause, or the last trimester of pregnancy in a few women.

Prevention and Treatment of Nosebleeds

Nosebleed patients are easily agitated, nervous, and fearful, so they should be comforted and calmed to work closely with the doctor in order to stop the bleeding quickly. Treatment should be done after detailed examination, and then choose the appropriate hemostatic method and operate gently to prevent roughness, so that the nosebleed can be stopped as soon as possible. General hemostatic methods

(a) Cold compress: Apply a towel or ice pack soaked in cold water to the patient's forehead or neck. The blood flow will be slowed down by the cold, and the bleeding will be stopped. (b) Compression: Use fingers to pinch one or both sides of the nose to the septum to stop bleeding. (c) Guiding method: Tell the patient to immerse both feet in warm water, or pound garlic and branches and apply them to the Yongquan points on the soles of the feet. It has the effect of inducing heat downward to reduce inflammation and help to stop bleeding. (d) Nasal drops: 1-3% ephedrine drops can be used to help stop bleeding. (e) Nasal blowing method: Use hemostatic carbon, horseborne medicine, Bacopa monnieri cream, Radix et Rhizoma Ginseng, Yunnan Baiyao and other medicines with hemostatic effect to blow into the nasal cavity and adhere to the bleeding place to achieve the purpose of hemostasis. (f) Post-nasal stuffing method: When the above method fails to stop bleeding, the hemostatic medicine can be put into the nasal cavity to stop bleeding. If the bleeding cannot be stopped by the above method, the hemostatic medicine can be put on cotton pads or tampons to fill the nasal cavity of the affected side. If this does not stop the bleeding, post-nasal tamponade may be needed, or specialist treatment may be indicated.

Rapid desensitization:

In general, most of the patients with nosebleeds are allergic to chicken and nuts, so we have to identify the symptoms and rule out hypertension, nasopharyngeal carcinoma, or other medical diseases before we can do allergen testing for the patient. If the patient is allergy-positive to chicken, we can perform rapid desensitization therapy, which can stop the bleeding immediately after desensitization within 25 minutes. The patient will be instructed to avoid eating chicken and nuts for one week, and the patient will be back to normal in 1 to 2 weeks.

General prevention and maintenance.

To prevent nosebleeds, it is also necessary to pay attention to physical exercise, prevent colds and flu, drink some clear drinks when the weather is dry, eat less stimulating, spicy, hot and dry food, especially avoiding anger, remove the habit of picking the nose, to avoid nasal injuries. Most of the patients with nosebleed in our clinic are suffering from allergy. Modern medicine uses symptomatic treatments to alleviate some of the bleeding symptoms. These include electrotherapy, cauterization, and anti-inflammatory steroids, which can only be used temporarily to prevent side effects such as mucosal atrophy. Some people use laser therapy, which is effective but not absolute. According to traditional medical theory, this disease can be caused by the above mentioned allergens or repeated colds and flu, resulting in heat in the lung meridian, accumulation of heat in the stomach, fire in the liver, yin deficiency in the liver and kidney, and failure of the spleen to regulate the blood, etc.; the author most prefers to use rapid desensitization to remove allergies in the body and then add the ancestral pure Chinese medicine and nose special treatment, “applying medication for diagnosis and treatment, harmonizing and nourishing the blood and helping the positive and expelling the evil spirits”, and in accordance with the principle of “treating the symptom in the case of urgency, treating the disease at its origin in the case of slowness”. With the four methods of pass, open, clear, and strengthen, often eliminating the long-term troublesome nosebleeds.

Experiment 1: Chen Xiaomei, 16 years old, suffered from nosebleeds for 10 years, often exacerbated by colds and allergies; she had been treated for many years with slow progress. Recently, the bleeding problem has become more serious! Recently, she has been using all kinds of remedies, and recently, she is often dizzy, white in color, and often takes time off from work to attend classes and regresses in her studies. The mother brought to check is chronic rhinitis (scraping chicken, egg, bird, turkey, chicken essence and nuts foreign protein) caused by inflammation of the nasal mucosa and lungs, stomach yin deficiency caused by bleeding, after accepting the Institute's rapid desensitization and pure Chinese medicine nasal special treatment after two courses, the above symptoms see a good, four outpatient treatment, completely recovered.

Treatment 2: Mr. Chan, a 56-year-old patient, had been on dialysis for 4 years. In the recent 6 months, he suffered from nosebleed after dialysis twice a week, which was extremely disturbing to the medical staff of the dialysis center and the patient's family members, and he had been referred to an ear, nose and throat specialist twice, and no abnormal lesions were detected by CT & MRI scans, but finally he came to the clinic after being referred by his friend. The patient was allergic to chicken after eating chicken every day, resulting in nasal mucous membrane peeling and bleeding due to deficiency of stomach and kidney yin. Recently, the “bleeding problem” became more serious! After three-minute allergen test and positive reaction to chicken, the patient was immediately given “Rapid Desensitization and Pure Chinese Medicine Nasal Special Treatment” for two weeks, the above symptoms improved and completely recovered after four outpatient treatments.

Kin Liang