Golden Bough Health Care Medical Center


Can chronic sinusitis be cured?

Many people often appear nasal congestion, pus and nasal mucus, dizziness, heavy head, headache, stiff neck, shoulder pain, drowsiness, pus and mucus backflow to the pharynx, throat and often itchy, cough, cough phlegm or throat discomfort, often have to clear the throat, and sometimes a little chills, heartbeat accelerated, general malaise, have seen a lot of doctors, and also take a lot of medicines, this kind of like a cold, such as symptoms, may be suffering from sinusitis. Often, doctors fail to diagnose the disease and treat it appropriately, and the result is unsatisfactory. Sometimes the anti-inflammatory effect of antibiotics can help, but it is only a relief, and the disease often worsens over and over again from one year to the next, which is a cause for concern.

What causes sinusitis?

Dr. Leung Chi Kwan of Arcadia Chinese and Western Medicine Rhinology Research Center said that the above symptoms are sinusitis, which is divided into acute sinusitis and chronic sinusitis. It is a purulent inflammation of the mucous membrane of the paranasal sinus cavity. The structure of the nose resembles a four-story building with a basement, with a septum in the middle separating the two nasal cavities, and eight sinuses and a total of a dozen orifices with other concave and convex orifices surrounding the nasal cavities, which are filled with rich mucous membranes (the sinuses are located on the second, third and fourth floors, and there is a “pipeline” connecting them to one another. This disease often depends on the patient's resistance, the number of episodes and causes simple or multiple sinusitis episodes, the causes are as follows.

The causes of sinusitis are as follows: I. Systemic etiology: Mostly due to lowered resistance, after over-exertion, exposure to dampness and cold, poor diet and nutrition, poor hygiene of living and working environment, in addition to idiosyncratic body constitution, systemic diseases (e.g., anaemia, diabetes mellitus), endocrine disorders (thyroid gland, pituitary gland, and gonadal insufficiency), upper respiratory tract infections, and acute infectious diseases (e.g., influenza, measles, and scarlet fever, etc.), etc., which can all lead to the development of the disease.

II. Local etiology: It occurs after acute and chronic rhinitis, curvature of nasal septum, hypertrophy of nasal turbinates, allergic rhinitis, nasal polyps, nasal foreign bodies and tumors, etc. All of them can obstruct the nasal passages and impede the ventilation and drainage and lead to the development of the disease.

III. Infections of neighboring organs: inflammation of tonsils, hypertrophy of adenoids, chronic myelitis, etc. can cause the disease.

IV. Direct infection: trauma to the sinuses such as broken bones in car accidents or penetration of foreign objects, as well as improper swimming and diving, caused by squeezing of sewage into the sinuses.

How do Chinese medicine doctors recognize sinusitis?

The disease can be divided into deficiency and actual disease; the actual disease has a rapid onset and a short duration, while the deficiency disease has a long duration and is difficult to heal. The high incidence of this disease will affect work and study, and even cause serious complications, leading to adverse consequences, so it should be actively prevented and treated. Because sinusitis is often secondary to an exogenous infection or acute rhinitis or chronic rhinitis, it starts with cold and fever, loss of appetite, malaise, etc. Child patients may experience gastrointestinal symptoms such as vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, cough, etc.; after prolonged and frequent episodes, it makes some people fidgety, agitated, easily emotional, unable to concentrate, and some children seem to be hyperactive. Sinusitis may be induced by sinusitis.

As wind-heat and evil toxins in the lung meridian congest the nasal orifices, there is nasal congestion and turbid nasal mucus; wind-heat and other evils interfere with the clear orifices, the meridians are congested, and yang qi is blocked, so it can cause different kinds of headaches. As the disease progresses, the nasal mucus becomes more turbid and the headache worsens, and there is often thirst, dry and secret stools, and short and reddish urine. Thin yellow tongue coating or grayish white with little fluid and floating pulse.

In addition, there is damp-heat in the spleen and stomach, and the gastric artery follows the side of the nose. If one is addicted to alcohol, thick flavors and creams, the damp-heat evil toxin will steam upward through the meridians and concentrate in the sinuses, burning the mucous membranes in the sinuses.

The bile meridian is hot, the bile is a rigid organ that hosts phase fire, and its gas passes through the brain. If the emotions are not smooth, the rage and anger are out of order, the bile loses its excretion, and the anger turns into fire, the fire of the bile goes upward through the meridian, and moves the heat into the brain, injuring the sinus and burnt the qi, blood, and corrosive burns on the muscular membranes, and the heat refines and immerses the liquid and creates the mucous, which is the snot, or if the heat of the bile meridian is abundant, and the heat evaporates upward in the brain, it forces the Jin to participate in the next and become ill.

Each sinus belongs to a different meridian, and the location and pressure of each lesion are also different; the headaches caused are also different and can be roughly categorized as follows.

Inflammation of the butterfly sinus and the posterior sieve sinus: the headache is located at the top of the head, at the base of the skull, or deep in the eyeballs, radiating to the occipital region and connecting to the neck and the back of the ears, and is often felt as neck discomfort, which belongs to the solar meridian, and is mild when waking up in the morning, but worsens in the afternoon.

In sinusitis of the palatine sinus, the headache is located in the frontal area and cheeks, and connects to the upper teeth, which belongs to the Yang-Ming meridian, and is mild in the morning and severe in the afternoon.

In frontal sinus and anterior group sinusitis: headache is located in the frontal-temporal area of the forehead, brow, etc. It is cyclical and belongs to the Shao-Yang meridian. It is mild and gradually aggravated in the morning, and the eyesight tends to deteriorate or there is pseudo-myopia.

Principles of Sinusitis Treatment and Maintenance?

There are three principles of treatment: First, drainage should be maintained. The second is to control the infection and prevent complications. The third is to eradicate the cause of the disease.

The author uses the ancestral pure Chinese medicine and nose special therapy “to support the positive and expel the evil” as the principle of treatment to pass, to open, to clear, to close, and to strengthen the five methods, to eliminate all the symptoms left over after years of trouble, and then with the holographic embryonic ion dialysis therapy to stimulate the patient's own resistance to disease. No drugs, no needles, no pain, no side effects, treating the symptoms while also treating the root cause. Cooperate well with your doctor and do a good job in treatment, prevention and exercise. All can be stabilized in the gradual return to normal, can not be afraid of nasal disease pain and suffering for a lifetime. (That is to say, to improve the body's resistance, so that the patient can really heal the cure light, and finally completely cured), after the recent cold and flu friends have to be active treatment can not be delayed, and should be active exercise such as static footwork, external Dan Gong, incense Gong, tai chi boxing, eight duan jin, and so on.

It is advisable to keep the nasal passages clean and moist, and to remove the accumulated snot and dirt in the nose from time to time, and to minimize the use of vasoconstrictive aerosols.

To prevent and control chronic diseases, strengthen nutrition, eat more vegetables and fruits, beans, eat less cold, spicy, hot and dry, hair.

To exercise often; avoid doing strenuous exercise, prevent colds and enhance body resistance.

Improve the working environment, keep clean air and humidity, and wear a mask.

Find an experienced doctor who can provide accurate diagnosis and treatment as soon as possible; do not avoid seeking medical treatment.

Ms. Tsui, 38, works in a church and has suffered from sinusitis for more than 20 years. She has had to follow the doctor's advice for more than 10 years. When she immigrated to Los Angeles, her “nose problem” returned after a cold made her resistance worse! Although I had surgery to remove the nasal polyps, recently I suffered from both, dizziness, heavy head, headache, neck and shoulder pain and soreness, yellow pus, pus backs up into the throat and larynx and causes itching, coughing, throat discomfort. After examination is chronic sinusitis acute attack, and its sequelae caused by; allergic rhinitis, nasopharyngeal accumulation of stasis and increasingly serious, accept this pure Chinese medicine nose special therapy a few times after the effect, continue three courses of treatment after the above symptoms almost disappeared, and after five times to strengthen the treatment and recovery.

Kin Liang