Golden Bough Health Care Medical Center


What are the causes, treatment and prognosis of chronic rhinitis?

Chronic rhinitis is mostly caused by (a) recurring nasal colds or improper treatment, and in a few cases, it is caused by (b) nasal septal curvature and prolonged retention of foreign bodies in the nasal cavity. In addition, there are many children with (c) abscess, circulatory disorders, adenopathy, and frequent tonsillar hypertrophy. (d) Long-term use of antihypertensive drugs, contraceptive drugs and make the nasal mucosa congested and swollen or long-term drops of nasal vasoconstrictor such as nasal eye net, nasal sprays and so on, resulting in secondary expansion of the nasal mucosa. (e) Smoking and exposure to greasy smoke, dust, or air pollution such as factories, garments, restaurants and other workers also accounted for most of the workers.

 Chronic rhinitis is the nasal mucosa congestion and redness; therefore, there is often nasal congestion of varying degrees of severity, or the left and right nostrils alternate nasal congestion, nasal congestion aggravated when lying on the back, when lying on the side of the nose below the obstruction of the nose is heavier, the nasal congestion is alleviated by exercise. Nasal secretion increases. If also infected with bacteria; nasal secretion becomes viscous, purulent, or pus and blood secretion increases, due to nasal swelling will also appear reflex headache, nasal sound heavy; at night due to nasal congestion encouragement often need to open the mouth to breathe, and thus often dry mouth and the occurrence of chronic pharyngitis; sense of smell is reduced, memory loss, and memory is slow, and even easy to forget, often heard people say that if the nose is bad, the brain is also bad. Children often breathe through their mouths, which often results in dental maldevelopment and the need for orthodontic treatment.

 Chronic rhinitis can't be proved by woo-light photography, and the symptoms are not too obvious and intense, so the patient doesn't look like a patient, so it's often ignored for a long time, and delayed and caused other problems as follows:

I. Chronic hypertrophic rhinitis Chronic hypertrophic rhinitis: this disease is often developed from simple rhinitis, characterized by the proliferation and hypertrophy of submucosal cells, the serious ones have bone proliferation and hypertrophy, this disease persists obstruction, nasal secretion, and other and simple rhinitis the same.

Other symptoms are the same as those of simple rhinitis. Chronic atrophic rhinitis: also known as stinky nose, nasal blood flow is impaired, resulting in local malnutrition, resulting in atrophic lesions, characterized by mucosal surface dryness. Mucosal luster disappears, the nasal cavity has a yellow-green scab accumulation, causing nasal congestion, or by the decay of the scabs often occurring bad smell, usually in women are more likely to develop the disease.

Three. Chronic caseous rhinitis: a kind of rhinitis in which there is an accumulation of caseous material in the nasal cavity and sinuses, causing tissue necrosis and destruction of the nasal structure, which is most common in young and middle-aged men and women, and there is a history of mechanical obstruction of the nasal cavity with polyps, nasal hemorrhoids, and abnormalities of the foreign body, etc. The characteristics of this disease are that after the early flow of pus secretion in the nasal cavity, there is an accumulation of caseous material in the nasal cavity with a small amount of hemorrhage, and the sense of smell is reduced, and the nose is even induced by perforation of the nasal septum, and the nasal structure is destroyed.

Traditional treatment of this disease is based on antibiotics to suppress inflammation, and anti-histamine to temporarily relieve symptoms, or else the use of U.S. elixirs; steroids and other treatment rates are not high. Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), which includes clearing heat, detoxifying toxins, nourishing yin, strengthening the spleen and promoting dampness (tonifying the qi, strengthening the spleen, and enhancing the immune system), coupled with a regular lifestyle, a light diet, moderate exercise, and rest, has a very good prognosis.

Dr. Liang uses the ancestral pure Chinese medicine and nose special therapy; with four methods: pass, open, clear, and strengthen, to eliminate the symptoms left over after the long-term damage by bacteria, and then with the holographic embryonic ion dialysis therapy to stimulate the patient's own ability to resist the disease. No medicine, no needles, no pain, no side effects where acute and chronic rhinitis, allergic rhinitis, sneezing, runny nose, nasal congestion, sinusitis, nasal storage pus, hypertrophic rhinitis, atrophic rhinitis, nasal polyps, nasal discharge, wheezing, coughing, do not smell the aroma of incense, nasopharyngeal accumulation of stagnant stasis, headache or chronic insomnia, loss of memory, ringing in the ears, dizziness, dizziness, stiffness of the neck and so on, all quite effective treatment.

Treatment Wu Xiaodi, 16 years old, has been suffering from nasal disease for more than 10 years, and has been treated with Chinese and Western medicine for many years for frequent colds and flu. In the last few months, his nose problem has become more troublesome! Acupuncture symptoms include runny nose, nasal congestion, sneezing, coughing, throat discomfort, dizziness, inability to concentrate, schoolwork regression. After my parents brought me here for examination, my symptoms were caused by chronic rhinitis, and pollen allergy, which gradually worsened, and cerebral neurasthenia. After receiving this external treatment for two times, the above symptoms almost disappeared, and after 13 times of intensive treatment, I recovered completely.

Kin Liang