Golden Bough Health Care Medical Center


To Treat Illness, Abstain from Oral Intake

From the viewpoint of Chinese medicine practitioners, proper abstinence from food is very important, and one would not know this without long experience. In the course of recovery or treatment of certain diseases, it is necessary to refrain from eating certain foods, or else the disease will recur or worsen: another reason is that the contraindications in the preparation of foods may cause acute or chronic poisoning, i.e. 'food poisoners'. However, is there any standard to be found on what kind of disease should be abstained from? Moreover, there are differences in the practice of abstinence in different parts of the world. Some of them are so complicated that people often feel at a loss as to what to do. Even different Chinese medicine practitioners have different instructions for their patients, so it seems that there is no definite standard. Western medical practitioners do not attach much importance to the avoidance of food, which makes it even more difficult for people to abstain from food!

If we look at the basic concepts of Chinese medicine, the principle of abstinence is to distinguish between four aspects: deficiency, reality, cold and heat. That is to say, the deficiency of cold people avoid eating cold food such as frozen fruits and melons, but also to avoid sudden tonic, heat and real people avoid eating spicy fire dry food, but also to avoid tonic food tonic. In addition, those who are full of dampness should avoid eating fatty, greasy and phlegm-producing foods, those who are deficient in Yin should avoid eating aromatic and dry foods, and those who are full should avoid eating sweet flavors, in fact, abstinence from food is actually the opposite of dietary therapy.

Food therapy is the use of food to treat disease, while abstinence is to avoid certain foods that will aggravate the condition or reduce the efficacy of the disease. For example, if the most common type of cough is cold cough, i.e., itchy throat, thin white sputum, fear of wind and cold, pale white tongue, thin white tongue coating and bland mouth, it is not advisable to consume cold beverages, fruits and vegetables, especially Chinese cabbage, watercress, sprouts, bamboo shoots, fruit juices, etc. Some people have more white sputum, and some people have more white sputum, and some people have more white sputum. For some people with white or yellow phlegm, they should avoid dairy products and desserts such as chocolate, and avoid durian, lychee and longan if they have yellow or thick phlegm, otherwise the phlegm will become thicker and more viscous, which will be difficult to be eliminated. However, for people with a cough that is characterized by real heat, a yellowish coating on the tongue, a絳絳texture of the tongue, a bad taste of the mouth, yellowish phlegm, a bitter taste in the mouth, and dryness of the mouth that makes it hard to have a cold drink, then it is advisable to avoid spicy and deep-fried foods. Especially for chronic diseases with hemoptysis, such as bronchial dilatation, there is a taboo against eating “fat food”, such as duck, which is often prone to hemoptysis with a large amount of blood.

The so-called “Fatty Foods” mainly refer to foods that may cause relapse of old diseases. There are three types of food according to the viewpoint of Chinese medicine practitioners:

1. Animal foods: Containing hormones that promote the hyperactivity of certain functions in the body, metabolic disorders, such as glucocorticoid steroids, which, in excess of physiological dosage, can induce diffusion, bleeding ulcers, seizures, etc. 2.

2. Irritant food: the stimulation of inflammatory lesions by alcohol and spices can cause inflammation to spread and ulcers to recur, which has the same meaning as the above mentioned avoidance of hot food in fire-heat syndromes.

3. Allergenic food: after eating, it can cause the recurrence of allergic diseases; e.g. fish, shrimp, etc. often cause the recurrence of urticaria in people with skin allergy, and the above are the things that people suffering from chronic diseases should pay attention to.

Some people feel that there is no scientific basis for abstinence. In fact, the so-called science is nothing more than the systematization and theorization of human observation of things! Scientific theories are based on the experiences that human beings have gained from various things. The fact that some facts and experiences cannot be explained by systematization and theorization for the time being does not mean that they are 'unscientific'. There is a great deal of this kind of content in Chinese medicine, and these are the experiences and facts accumulated by the Chinese people in their fight against diseases. Although these things cannot be explained clearly by modern science for the time being, most of them are true.

Therefore, it is worthwhile to emphasize the experience of abstaining from eating. Modern people tend to be overly superstitious about medical cures, but they have overlooked the fact that there are actually two major causes of the diseases that occur in our society today: one is the misbehavior that deviates from the laws of nature, including the body and mind, and the other is the misbehavior of the diet that deviates from the laws of nature. Neither of these can be cured by medicine alone. To solve the first problem involves a major reform of the entire human society, and it is not easy to explain it all at once. As for the second problem, it also involves the social aspect, including the widespread artificial contamination of the food available to human beings, and I am afraid that there is not much that individuals can do about it, but abstinence from eating is at least a feasible way to take care of health and to save one's life. Do not think that you can eat indiscriminately just because “everything is nutritious”. In fact, there are so many “junk foods” in the market that most people do not know how to choose them, and if they do not abstain from eating properly, it is just like turning their bellies into garbage cans, which is not a wise person's action indeed.

Our nasal mucosa therapy is a magical special therapy, most of the patients and friends in the treatment period or before healing, also respect the doctor's advice: avoid cold food, cold fruits, or frozen drinks such as: (milk products, watermelon, pineapple, bananas, sauerkraut, cabbage, and ice cream, ice cream, ice cold fruit juice) hairy, stimulating foods such as: (spicy, deep-fried, duck, shrimp and crab, shelled seafood, peanuts, nuts, or lychee and other foods. Lychee and other foods.) I hope that friends from this article, also realize that the treatment of disease, expect the doctor's help, do not forget to cooperate with the abstinence. Self-help, coupled with the help of others, in order to get twice the result with half the effort, the body will be able to regain health as soon as possible.

Kin Liang