Golden Bough Health Care Medical Center


Menopausal Helplessness

Menopause refers to the period of a woman's life from childbearing to old age, the time when ovarian function gradually shrinks and declines to the point where it disappears completely, and when menstruation is about to stop and the kidney energy is gradually declining, a period that usually begins around the age of forty-five to fifty. Menstruation is often irregular, with longer or shorter cycles, more or less menstrual flow or even menopause, which is a normal physiological phenomenon.

  Many women at this time symptoms called menopausal syndrome, the number of symptoms manifested varies from person to person, easily affected by climate, environment, mood and other factors and sometimes hidden or sometimes light and sometimes heavy, in serious cases, can affect life, work and career, causing great pain to the patient, and even affecting family harmony and social ties, such as irritability and anger, sensation and heat sweating, dizziness, palpitations and insomnia, dry mouth and throat, Heart heat in the hands and feet, mental fatigue, tinnitus and forgetfulness, and so on. This situation sometimes delayed for several months, sometimes to continue for several years or more, a few women have more than 15 years, with the menopause, patients with a variety of diseases such as malignant tumors, atherosclerosis, hypertension, osteoporosis, functional uterine bleeding, geriatric vaginitis, urethritis, etc., the incidence of a significant increase. To bring some impact on life, so know your enemy and know yourself women should actively understand, men should also understand some and help them through this period.

 Traditional Chinese medicine's view of menopause

  Huangdi's Neijing (The Ancient Book of the Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic) says, “The Ren pulse is weak at the age of seven, the Taichong pulse is weak, the premier is exhausted, and the earth's path is impassable; therefore, the shape of the body is bad and there are no children. Chinese medicine practitioners believe that when a woman is 49 years old and approaching menopause, the Ren and Chong veins have declined, and the loss of the Chong and Ren veins, the lack of essence and blood, and the dysfunction of the internal organs have caused a variety of physical and mental symptoms; the gradual decline of the kidney's vitality, menstruation, and the aging of the body, and therefore can no longer be conceived, which also results in the series of menopausal symptoms as described above.

 Traditional Chinese Medicine Treatment and Specialized Nasal Therapy

  Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) adopts a dialectical approach to the treatment of menopause. The root cause of menopausal syndromes lies in kidney deficiency, which can be clinically categorized into two types: kidney deficiency with liver exuberance and kidney deficiency with yin and yang.

I. Kidney deficiency and hyperactivity of the liver: Kidney yin deficiency and insufficient kidney water cause the liver to be deprived of nourishment and fire to rise.

Symptoms: Menstrual disorders, scanty menstrual flow, bright or purplish color, dizziness, irritability, insomnia, tinnitus, hot flashes, excessive sweating, rising cheeks, sensation of sensation of sensation of sensation of sensation of sensation of sensation of sensation of sensation of sensation of heat, red tongue, fine pulse.

Treatment: Nourishing the kidney and calming the liver, Zhi Bai Di Huang Tang is the mainstay. Radix Rehmanniae Praeparata, Cornu Cervi Pantotrichum, Cornu Cervi Poriae, Poria, Zeligia, Dampy, Zhi Mu, Cypress. If the symptoms include bitter taste in the mouth and hyperactivity of the liver fire, add Wei Yi Yuan San with gentian grass.

II. Kidney-Yin and Kidney-Yang deficiency: Kidney-Yin deficiency, which may result in prolonged damage to the Yin and Yang, resulting in Kidney-Yin and Kidney-Yang deficiencies.

Symptoms: dizziness, insomnia, tinnitus, weakness of the waist and knees, lack of warmth in hands and feet, pale tongue and small pulse.

Treatment: tonifying the Kidney, warming the Yang and regulating the Chong Ren. Zuo Gui Wan or Er Xian Tang with added flavor is the mainstay. Xiangmao, Xianling Spleen, Angelica sinensis, Morinda citrifolia, Cyperus rotundus, Zhimu, Morus alba, Cortex eucommiae, Fructus Lycii, Flos Chrysanthemi.

  Summarizing the clinical cases of our center over the years, we can find that menopausal women are often accompanied by hidden sinusitis, which leads to the early triggering or delaying of menopausal syndromes, or even the phenomenon of not going away. The interplay between the two affects the patients and is easy to be ignored. Moreover, due to the seriousness and stubbornness of occult sinusitis, it is often easy to cause greater emotional changes in menopausal women, such as poorer adaptation to pressure and temperature, and some very interesting features: 1. There may not necessarily be sneezing, pus, nasal congestion, but there is mostly a reflux of secretion into the throat, itchy and sore throat, a slight cough, phlegm, and often clearing of the throat, with symptoms similar to those of prune gas. 2. Symptoms: 2. Long-term backflow of secretions from the throat into the digestive tract can cause gastrointestinal disorders, hunger, and in some cases loss of appetite, bloating, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, or constipation. 3. Often accompanied by headache, dizziness, depression, and stiffness of the neck and shoulders, and so on. Due to its invisibility and complexity, it is easy to be overlooked by patients and doctors, and it is difficult to be cured, and the condition is gradually aggravated, so we call it the invisible killer in order to arouse the attention of the patients and doctors. 4. Some patients even trigger a large number of allergic reactions and develop complicated symptoms of antibody-antigen reaction, which makes the menopausal syndromes even more complicated and bizarre.

  The Center has developed the 3-minute DNA testing method and pure Chinese medicine nasal special therapy, which is based on the patient's symptoms, after diagnosis, according to the basic rules of treatment of Tong, open, clear, strong, and progressive, in order to remove the patient's phlegm, turbidity, and stagnation, and at the same time, to gradually adjust the function of their internal organs, so as to achieve the purpose of the internal and external co-treatment. From the viewpoint of modern medicine and anatomy, this treatment is administered locally, directly absorbed and utilized through the tiny blood vessels of the nasal mucosa, resulting in the regulation of the autonomic nervous system.

  In general treatment, most of the drugs are given orally. The active ingredients of the drugs are absorbed through the gastrointestinal tract and then enter the body circulation through the hepatic portal vein, where some of the active ingredients have been destroyed or detoxified by the liver, making it difficult to achieve the therapeutic concentration of the active ingredients in the bloodstream. The “Chinese Medicine Nasal Special Therapy” utilizes the principle of internal and external treatment of diseases and local administration of medication to achieve the best therapeutic effect with the least amount of medication. Since there are many fine fibers on the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity, which can greatly increase the effective surface area for the medication to be absorbed, the cure rate of menopausal syndromes is greatly increased by the use of nasal medication.

You can live happily through menopause too!

  There are more than 3 million women over the age of 45 in Taiwan, accounting for about 15% of the total population, and growing at a rate of 3-5% per year in North America as well. Usually, once a woman is over 45, she often feels that her body and spirit are not right. Psychological menopause occurs earlier than physiological problems, with a gradual decrease of estrogen in the body and rapid loss of bone mass. Physiological symptoms such as loss of bone density, hot flashes, and night sweats are gradually observed, and some people even experience significant “insomnia,” “fatigue,” “muscle soreness,” and “joint soreness” before menopause, with the highest rate of occurrence. After the age of 45, 76% of people experienced dizziness, dizziness, unusual body heat and night sweats. The incidence of “feeling lost” was higher in non-menopausal people than in menopausal people. When psychological and mental symptoms such as feeling of loss, irritability or poor sleep occur, it is necessary to seek professional help; in addition to seeing a doctor and taking medication on time, you can choose to talk with close family members to express your feelings and participate in community activities more often; if the situation does not improve, you can do simple static footwork exercises, and during holidays, you can engage in light outdoor exercise to maintain a happy mood, such as walking, jogging, dancing, etc., and hiking should be done on a flat slope. Flat slopes should be preferred, but do not choose too steep mountains, so that the psychological pressure can be relieved, the diet to calcium supplements and grains and vegetables as the main, but also avoid stimulating foods, such as: egg yolks, cream, squid, medulla oblongata, greasy food, coffee, garlic, chili peppers, tea, high-calorie, high cholesterol food should be eaten sparingly.

  Meanwhile, since Chinese medicine itself has the advantages of fewer side effects and gradual improvement of body quality, it is suggested that those patients who are more sensitive to western medicine or are afraid of its side effects can also try nasal special treatment.

Kin Liang