Golden Bough Health Care Medical Center
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Rhinitis - Fiona Li 

I am a registered nurse in south bay area. When I was a graduate student in School of Nursing, University of Washington, I accepted Dr. Liang's Chinese treatment for my rhinitis. I got this disease since I was in Taiwan. Almost every morning, I suffered from serious running nose. In addition, most of time, I had nasal congestion and could barely breathe smoothly. Especially when weather was cold or air was polluted, my symptoms would be worse. I visited many physicians with specialty in this field and got some treatment such as anti-histamine, but didn¡¦t get good improvement. Even worse, if I did not take medication, the symptoms would be aggravated.

In 1996, I got a chance to visit my friend who lives in Los Angelas. When she knew my nose problems, she introduced me to Dr. Liang. After talking to me and taking a history regarding my noses, Dr. Liang suggested me get a course of external nasal treatment. With a strong motivation to relieve these troublesome symptoms, I decided to accept this treatment without hesitate. Fortunately, after a serial of regimen, my symptoms get obvious improvement. Now, I do not need to worry about my running nose in the morning and have no short of breath since nasal congestion gets great relief. Also, I have not suffered from any side effect from medication since I started this therapy.

As for the treatment itself, the therapy I got was given directly via nasal cannel. The advantages of this route are: 1) increasing the effectiveness of medication since it will not be decomposed by liver (If a medication is absorbed by intestine, it will go into bloodstream and will be immediately decomposed by liver, therefore, the effectiveness will be reduced); 2) decreasing side effects of medication due to local effect on nasal area rather than the whole body. Moreover, the medication in this trial is Chinese herbs, the side effect will be minimal since it is natural component. Also, the goal of this therapy is to recreate a good balanced system of patients¡¦ body, which will benefit patients in a healthier way, such as helping to decrease exhaustion and enhance functions of organs.

Dr. Liang has strong background of both Western and Chinese medicine. With this good foundation, he develops a significant theory, which can explain the mechanism of this therapy. This would overcome the limitation of most Chinese therapies--with no evidence in a scientific basis. From now on, this therapy and its theory can be expected to play a significant role in successfully treating allergic diseases. With this scientific basis, it will also be accepted and applied by western therapists to benefit more patients. Based on my personal experience and knowledge, I believe it will be a promising and effective therapy in the future.

Fiona Li  Jan 16, 1999

Disclaimer: The views, information, or opinions expressed in the above personal experience are solely those of the individuals involved and do not necessarily represent those of Dr. Liang, GBHC. and its employees.

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