Golden Bough Health Care Medical Center
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Sinus headache and congestion - Charles Hsu

From my youth I have had problems with sinus headache and congestion. The usual medicines were used for relief, but not as a serious cure. Western medicine treats symptoms, though often not dealing with deeper causes. When I was in my late teenage years, I began reading about Oriental methods of dealing with health and was immediately impressed with the depth and wisdom of this approach.

But it was not until recently that health problems brought me back to them. I have been an IC fabrication engineer for many years and was exposed to strong acids/bases and solvents, along with inhaling such chemicals through everyday lab work.

Although at the time I didn't appear to have any serious reactions in my sinuses, the long-term problems were building up.

Over a 10 years period my allergy problems got worse and lasted longer and longer throughout the year. During the last year I was unable to work for almost a month due to my severe allergy problem, I was sneezing and my nose was running constantly. I was really miserable. Then I got what appeared to be a very serious case of the Flu. I had a severe upper and lower respiratory infection with a 104 degrees temperature that landed me in the outpatient emergency ward at the hospital. I was given many kinds of medicine and after 3 courses of antibiotics I still was not back to where I was before I got ill. On top of that, when I went back to work and was exposed to the chemicals I got ill again, twice. I then went to a special doctor. He was a specialist in allergies and immunology.

To make a long story short, he found after running many tests that my immune system was seriously compromised and that I was now allergic to most of the things that he tested me for. His solution was to give me massive doses of those very same things that were causing me problems in order to "desensitize" me to them. He could not explain what was the cause of these problems nor any other means of dealing with them. I did not feel it was the proper way to treat my body, especially in the long term. I needed a deeper approach to this problem. I left that doctor and eventually found out about a doctor of oriental medicine and acupuncture. A man that supposedly had a problem similar to mine recommended him to me. After a year of off and on minor improvement in chronic sinus congestion, runny nose, sneezing, headache, and chest restriction and pain, I lost faith in the doctor and left him.

Very fortunately for me, I found about Dr. Liang and the Arcadia Holistic Center in Temple City. It was difficult for me to go to another doctor because I was losing hope that anyone could help me.

But I decided to see him based on a friend's success with medical problems after receiving treatments from Dr. Liang. He did a very thorough examination and told me what I needed as treatment for my problems. To help sinusitis, he is giving me acupuncture and herbs to help my sinuses and also for my weakened central nervous system and immune system. The acupuncture is helping to balance the disrupted energy flow and the herbs, absorbed through the mucus membranes assist in restoring, through the blood stream and major organs, the proper health of the body. At the beginning of every cycle of treatment he adjusts the types of herbs and acupuncture through the feedback he receives from my symptoms.

I am happy to say that I am much improved and well on my way to having my complete health back. Dr. Liang is a kind and compassionate man. Trust is a very important component in dealing with health issues. He inspires that kind of trust.

His training and medical background are excellent and show in the quality of care that he and his staff bring to the patient. My case is a difficult one, but through Dr. Liang's guidance I have regained my hope.

Charles Hsu

Disclaimer: The views, information, or opinions expressed in the above personal experience are solely those of the individuals involved and do not necessarily represent those of Dr. Liang, GBHC. and its employees.

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