Golden Bough Health Care Medical Center
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Sinus congestion, runny nose and migraine - Chi-Chi Liao

Hello, my name is Chi-Chi Liao. I am a student of School of Public Health at Harvard University, Cambridge, MA. Before I met Dr. Liang and used his treatment. I always seemed to be suffering from nasal problems. I seemed to have sneezing fits, watery eyes, sinus congestion and constant runny noses all year round also I have frequent Migraine headaches. I have had this problem ever since my childhood in Taiwan and have been take to many different doctors about my problem.

Because I am a student in need to study and work, concentration is important, but it is difficult when my symptoms get in the way. From such symptoms, i am frequently distracted and leaving behind bad impressions. Then my friend noticed how much I had been suffering due to all the allergy related problems I have and told me about how she used to have similar problems before, but not any more because of a treatment she had before. I never knew she had such distracting medical problems before, so I asked how she got rid of them. She told me of Dr. Liang's treatment that helped her rid her problem and how she thought that this treatment could possibly work for me.

Personally, there wasn't a reason why i shouldn't at least give this treatment a try after so many other treatments. I did give Dr. Liang's treatment a try. After trying only a few treatments suprisingly I discovered it was easier to breathe now and my headaches hardly occurred anymore. At first I thought I was just hallucinating, but after a week my sinus's cleared and my eyes stopped water as well as other results I was so ecstatic and content in finding a treatment that actually worked after so much put back from other treatments. Curious why this one treatment worked when others didn¡¦t, I got up and asked him directly why. He told as if he has already told many people that the effectiveness of his treatment is that, the medicine and all its strength goes directly into the bloodstream through the nose without the medicine¡¦s breaking down partially from the body's digestive system. The other point he told me was that his treatment did not just treat my allergies and nose related problems, but is able to balance and fix the whole body.

Because I study medicine, I can really see this treatment method used widely in the future of nasal problems. It works remarkably well without anything else happen to your body like headaches, stomach aches, pains, etc. The impression that this treatment has had on me has really made me think this is a theory that will be put to use more in the future of Western Medicine. My treatments are currently completed and I can speak on behalf of this treatment that without this treatment I could never gone on with all of my nasal disorders. My allergies, headaches, runny nose, watery eyes, etc really couldn¡¦t have become any better without the help of this treatment. The key thing to remember when you have this treatment is that you really need to have confidence in the treatment and stick to it because it is not something overnight, but takes pertinence to see the results. This treatment is something that has really become something I am thankful for and I know it has also helped other patients of Dr. Liang, and I would definitely recommend it to other people with nasal problems.

Chi-Chi Liao

Disclaimer: The views, information, or opinions expressed in the above personal experience are solely those of the individuals involved and do not necessarily represent those of Dr. Liang, GBHC. and its employees.

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