Golden Bough Health Care Medical Center
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Sinus caused by staphylococcus bacteria - Michael Cosser

I grew up in Australia and at the end of secondary education entered the Pharmacy College with a view to a career as a pharmacist. At the end of the course, the world wide depression resulting from the stocks and shares crashes on many Stock Markets from 1929-31, meant for myself and large numbers of people unemployment. I managed to be introduced to the owner of a weekly newspaper and was added to the staff. From reporting for a time, I became assistant to the editor, and when he left to embark upon another career I was asked to take over. I held this position for 25 years. (three years from 1942 were spent in the Air Force and service in the New Guinea Zone, this period intervening as I was reinstated early in 1945 after discharge from the Air Force. A course at Melbourne University during my earlier phase of editorship was carried out at lectures in late afternoons and evening, whilst carrying out the duties at the paper.

I was invited to join the staff of a non-profit corporation in California in 1962, and have been resident in the USA since then.

In February 1986 I was diagnosed as having an allergy, and a specialist found the cause was staphylococcus bacteria, other doctors previously informing me that the allergy’s cause was unknown to them. Various prescriptions had been tried during the years with no effect, and then more recently another specialist who tested me on two different days, and reported that he found my problem was not due to allergy at all. Nothing seemed to reduce this chronic, uncomfortable situation.

Then I visited Dr. Kin Liang of the Arcadia Holistic Acupuncture and Nasal Treatment Center in Temple City who found after thorough examination based on acupuncture and herbal treatments that the problem was due to a serious condition directly involving the sinus cavities. Upon his recommendation that I pass on to my regular physician his suggestion for x-rays of the sinuses, this physician immediately ordered the x-rays and also arranged for a surgeon to operate upon his examination of the x-ray plates. The result was the discovery that the sinuses were all full of polyps, which were then removed

Dr. Liang felt there was a deep seated cause of the problem that I had, and a short time afterwards a heart problem became evident. I thought it could be based on angina. An angiogram was arranged but it was found to be more serious, and because of my symptoms open heart surgery was decided upon ?quadruple bypass.

Since then, during the continuing convalescent period, I have visited Dr. Liang and received acupuncture treatments that have aided the convalescence by stimulating circulation of the blood and also elimination of accumulated fluid. For all of this I continue to feel very grateful.

Michael Cosser

Disclaimer: The views, information, or opinions expressed in the above personal experience are solely those of the individuals involved and do not necessarily represent those of Dr. Liang, GBHC. and its employees.

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