Golden Bough Health Care Medical Center
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Rhinitis and sinus problems - Katy Lin

My name is Katy; I'm 28 years old. I am a nutritionist at Queen of the Valley Hospital. I suffered from rhinitis with many clinical symptoms including sneezing, coughing, runny nose, dry itching throat and eyes, and sore sinus for approximately 8 years. The symptoms get worse whenever there is change of seasons and/or fluctuation of temperatures. I have tried many different antibiotics, antihistamines and nasal sprays, and yet nothing seems to help me, Those antihistamines only help with temporary relief of the symptoms. Besides, those medications give many side effects causing drowsiness, dryness, gastric disturbance, and fatigue. I also have tried herbal and nasal external treatment with the other nasal specialist last year. I was discouraged after few treatments, because I didn't see any significant improvement. I felt hopeless at that point after I have experienced both Western medicine and Eastern way.

Of course, Mom is always worried about my sinus problem. She encouraged me to try one more time when she overheard Dr. Liang radio presentation. I was diagnosed with atrophic rhinitis by Dr. Liang at the first visit. On top of my rhinitis, I was also told to have multiple organ weakness and imbalance. However, Dr. Liang reveals that he can cure my problem. I didn't believe him at the beginning, and I felt like a guinea pig again. After Dr. Liang had explained to me the treatment course and his theory, I still had doubt if I can be cured. But, I agreed with his point of view of direct external nasal treatment and decided to give one more try.

During the first cycle, I had to visit the office everyday. At each visit, Drs. Carefully examine and apply medication into my nostrils to keep for one and half hours. This external therapy is to allow the herbs to be absorbed by nasal villi directly into the inner cavity to treat the inflamed areas. I am especially amazed by ECIWO. Drs. use the so-called ionic solution in two little vials and place them onto my forearms. This allows ionic molecules to penetrate through the pores of skin in order to reach different organs in the body faster and efficiently. Both methods of treatments are used as direct which bypass the gastrointestinal track permitting the maximum potency of the medication and assure good clinical response.

My treatment is quite smooth. I didn't have any discomfort nor experiencing any side effects.

Nevertheless, I still need to reinforce myself to hang on to the end of the first cycle. Surprisingly, I felt better with less problems of sneezing, coughing, dry itching throat after only 3-4 times of treatments. Dr. Liang, Dr. Wang, and Dr. Kuo have been very patient and give me lots of encouragement and confidence at times. I am now at the end of my fifth treatment cycle. My nose isn't as sensitive as before even with this upcoming spring season, I have less problem with temperaturechanges and windy weather. Many of those unpleasant symptoms have either decreased or disappeared as mentioned. Not only my mucous membrane has becoming close to normal, I feel more energetic. Although I still sneeze occasionally, I have more confidence now and I truly believe in this ancient practice - oriental medicine.

Now, I understand Mom's intention. If anyone ever encounters any problems, one should seek for medical attention immediately for better chance of cure. By the same token, one needs to be compliant with Dr's directions and instructions in order to hasten the treatment process. Thanks to Dr. Liang, Dr.Wang, and Dr. Kuo, I am going to continue my cycles of treatment and looking forward to the total recovery. A Healing Experience Of Cure a Nasal Condition Incurable .

Katy Lin

Disclaimer: The views, information, or opinions expressed in the above personal experience are solely those of the individuals involved and do not necessarily represent those of Dr. Liang, GBHC. and its employees.

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