Golden Bough Health Care Medical Center
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Nasal problems, allergies and migraines - Jillian Lee

Hello, my name is Jillian Lee. I am a student of medicine at the University of ---. Before I met Dr. Liang and used his treatment. I always seemed to be suffering from nasal problems. I seemed to have allergies year round and suffer from frequent Migraine headaches. I have had this problem since as long as I can remember. I have been to several doctors and no one could help me. When I was young my parent's had taken me to doctors who could do nothing and told them that this problem was a 'Phase thing' and would get better as I got older. Well, I'm older and it hasn¡¦t gotten better. Anti histamines had ceased to have any effect on my allergies. I had just about given up this problem as incurable. As a student it is really important for me to be able to concentrate. This problem is a major distraction. It is hard to talk to people when you need to blow your nose because it is disgusting and it leaves a bad impression. Not to mention, as a medical student I cannot be sick because this will not give my patient's a good impression of my ability as a doctor. It is also hard to concentrate on my work and study because I must be constantly blowing my nose. My parent's told me about Dr. Liang's treatment because one of my relatives had had the treatment with great success. They believe that Dr. Liang's treatment would help me as well. I believed that I had nothing to loose, but everything to gain. So, I gave the treatment a try. Amazingly, I began to feel better after only a few treatments. I began to breathe easier, and my headaches were gone. I was so happy. Finally, I had found a treatment that worked. I asked Dr. Liang why this treatment worked when no other treatment that I had tried did. He said that because his treatment was not administered by ingestion, like all the other treatments that I had tried. The effectiveness of his medicine was not diminished where if the medication was taken by ingestion, the effectiveness of the medicine would be diminished by 60% by the GI track and liver. Also, this treatment goes to the source of the problem by bring balance back into the body by fixing not only the nasal problem but the internal organs as well. If the medicine was absorbed directly into the bloodstream through the membranes found throughout the body, the effectiveness of the medicine will not be diminished. Plus less medicine will be needed also. One of the major bad points to traditional oriental medicine was the immense amount that you had to take plus it's horrible taste. By using this treatment, both of these discouraging points are eliminated. As a medical student I can see the potential of this treatment for the future treatment of nasal problems. It works well and unlike western treatments it does not have any side effects. This treatment has made a great impression on me and I believe that this theory could have future influence on my practice. My treatments are now done and I can say that I could not have gotten the relief I've received without this treatment. This treatment is not one that happens overnight but it does work. You need to have confidence in the treatment and stick to it. This treatment really helped me and I know that it has helped other patients of Dr. Liang as well. I would definitely recommend this treatment to anyone with nasal problems.

Jillian Lee

Disclaimer: The views, information, or opinions expressed in the above personal experience are solely those of the individuals involved and do not necessarily represent those of Dr. Liang, GBHC. and its employees.

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