Golden Bough Health Care Medical Center
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Gallbladder Inflammation

A retired nurse wife usually take care of 80-year-old Professor Chen except this time let him go to Japan alone to participate in the alumni meeting turned out to be if the ambulance to the Songshan Airport tarmac emergency transport to a major hospital emergency .... .7/17 acute jaundice. I needed to see a doctor immediately, and after that, the doctor asked my son to be hospitalized immediately. I went to the bathroom at 4:00 and fainted in the stairwell. The hospital broadcasted 119 that there was an emergency situation that needed to be dealt with, and it was my son. After some emergency treatment, my son came back to his senses. The medical staff told me that my son was in septic shock. I could only sit on the chair to recover. At 5pm, my son's condition was stable. A carotid artery had to be cut and all medications had to be administered through the hospital. I was given a critical notice. If Gaijin's blood pressure did not return to 60/40, he would be sent to the ICU for a pneumonectomy at any time. I stayed by the bedside all night. My blood pressure was measured every 15 minutes. The assistant doctor was there all night; catheterization, ultrasound, EKG to check the heart and lungs for fluid?


I was very nervous all night until 5:00 a.m. when Dr. Leung called. After I told him about my condition, Dr. Leung told me to do more desensitization treatments. I did it six times in a row. The hospital's original plan was to go to the operating room at 8:00 a.m. if the condition was stabilized, to see if there was anything on the endoscopy. At 6:30am, my blood pressure started to improve, it was 70/45, and at 8:00am, it was 101/60, I was so happy! I was so happy! It meant that my son could go into the operating room to see how the stone was doing. At 8:15, I entered the room as scheduled. About 20 minutes later, the doctor came out and told me to go in and watch the movie; the debris next to the stone had blocked and inflamed the tubes again, and the tubes were re-thickened. The most important thing right now is to deal with his sepsis, which will kill him. written by Paula Chen Mrs. Chen on 9/2/2019


Former Director of Neonatal Nursing, Carmel Hospital, Los Angeles, California; Former Nurse Practitioner, San Gabriel Valley Hospital, Los Angeles, California

Patient: Prof. Chen: Professor of Music, National Art College, Japan, Austria, pianist, music major.

Dr. Liang Zhi Jun, Immunologist: I have a deep relationship with Prof. Chen's family. I recalled and traced back to the time when I helped Mrs. Chen's younger sister to deal with hepatitis in the ICU in 1988 at Garfield Hospital in Montevallo, Los Angeles, and cured Prof. Chen's persistent cough in 2005 during a visit to Sung-Te building in Taipei, and the time when the Chen family's second daughter sustained kidney injury from a skiing trip to Lake Tahoe in 2010. In 2010, the second daughter of the Chen family suffered a kidney injury while skiing in Lake Tahoe, Northern California, and was spared from kidney removal due to the timely use of a quantum energy protector (remote-guided treatment). On October 19, 2015, at the age of 75, Prof. Chen was in the Emergency Room of the Sacramento Hospital (remote-guided treatment), when he suffered from a stroke that made it impossible for him to write, and he suffered from severe headaches and was unable to speak (the doctor asked him how old he was). The doctor asked him how old he was and he said he was 5 years old and couldn't pronounce the first 70 sounds.) As a result, when he was hospitalized in the intensive care unit, the doctor ordered that he could not get on the plane for 30 days, but he recovered immediately after using the quantum energy protector for two days, and was discharged from the hospital on the third day, and he could even get on the plane ️ to return to Taiwan after 10 days. Uncle Peng is 98 years old this year, and he is still deaf and blind and is a recipient of the quantum energy protector, and he and the whole family of Prof. and Mrs. Chen have formed a deep bond, and they recognize and trust their students. Their affirmation of the latter and believe, do not believe it is impossible, I wish Professor Chen, Mrs. Chen family health and happiness!


On May 10th, we just returned to Taiwan from the U.S. On May 12th, our Indian maid brought back a bunch of Taiwanese mangoes. I was unable to enjoy them because of my severe allergies. My son was very nostalgic and ate them all in one go when I was not at home. At around 7:00pm that night, he suddenly developed chills, fever, high temperature, shivering and felt like vomiting. I made a prompt decision to desensitize my son with the Quantum Desensitization Method taught by Dr. Leung. After vomiting, he was sweating profusely and changed three sweatshirts before he finally calmed down. He thinks it is mango poisoning.


After listening to Fei Yu Ching's farewell concert and returning home, my son told me that he had chills and high fever again. I treated him the same way as Dr. Leung did, but I was a bit worried about what was wrong and whether I needed to go to the hospital to see a doctor. However, my son insisted not to go to the hospital, because he knew what was wrong.


After a week, he was fine. Suddenly, herpes grew around his mouth. My son and I both had a cold and cough. Half a year ago, he was scheduled to go to Japan on June 2 to attend the reunion. I had to go to the nearby ENT clinic.


My son had a urinary tract infection. He went to the hospital again and saw the urologist. Knowing that he will be out of the country for 3 weeks, he was given anti-inflammatory medicine for 2 weeks. Gaiko thinks he is fine and can still go to Japan.


On June 3, Gaiko took the high speed train from Tokyo to Fukuoka to meet up with his classmates and went to Nagasaki with them. 2:00 p.m. on June 4, Gaiko lost his strength, shivered again and had a high fever. His classmates felt something was wrong and sent him to the emergency room of Nagasaki City for treatment. A blood test was done, and the doctor advised him to stop traveling immediately! The doctor advised him to stop traveling immediately and return to Taiwan for treatment at a major hospital. If he had stayed in Japan, he would not have been able to afford the high cost of medication without medical insurance. Moreover, his liver function index was very high! He called me to change his flight ticket and told me about his condition. I hurriedly arranged for a return ticket to Taiwan. What worried me most was how he was going to make it back to Tokyo on his own. He said he could not even get up, so he contacted Dr. Leung in the U.S. to ask for his teaching support and help.


It took him nine hours to get back to Tokyo safely. Luckily, Dr. Leung was able to handle the quantum information (remote guidance) he received from the US. It was like a year in Taiwan for me! I was like an ant on a hot pan! Will he make it to his cousin's house in Tokyo?


Smooth return to Taiwan. Picked him up at Songshan Airport. He was already jaundiced and had lost almost 10 kilograms, but his spirit was still good. My brother's daughter's husband, who is a doctor, came to pick him up at the airport and was going to Miaoli Dachan Hospital. My nephew and son-in-law gave me a hint that I should be prepared for a serious liver disease! When we arrived at the emergency room, we did a quick checkup and luckily, it was not a liver disease. There was a large stone blockage in the common bile duct and two stones in the gallbladder. All of my nerves were relieved.


I was hospitalized for a few days, received antibiotics, had the inflammation treated, and was ready to have the stone removed. The attending doctor had to go on vacation and left Dachan Hospital for two weeks. We were referred to Taichung Wujilin Hospital, where the attending physician's classmates helped us with treatment, and we were intubated with a nasogastric tube to allow the bile to flow through.


Arrangement for stone extraction: Entered the operating room at 3:00 pm for endoscopic lithotripsy. At 5:00 pm, the doctor came out and told us that the stone extraction was unsuccessful; the stone was too big to be broken and could not be removed. There were two options: one, go directly to surgery and make an incision in the abdomen, which is a bigger operation, and put in another drain for about a month. The second option was to go to a larger hospital, where a new laser could break up the stone and then remove it. My son chose the second option; he didn't want to undergo a major surgery because he was already 80 years old.


Introduced by a friend to the Chinese University of Medical Sciences, which had this equipment, but had to pay for it out of pocket, about NT$100,000 for one treatment. The next day, I went to the operating room. I went in at 1:00 pm and the surgeon came out at 5:00 pm and told me that only half of the procedure had been done because the stone was too big and too hard to be cleaned at once. The catheter was put in again to prevent blockage. We will do it again in 3 weeks.


It was a quiet time, I went for a walk in the countryside. When I came home at 12:00pm, I had another episode of shivering, fever and general weakness. Symptoms were treated and I spent the night safely.


My son was not feeling well again early in the morning, he was jaundiced again. We needed to see a doctor immediately, and after the visit, the doctor wanted to hospitalize my son immediately. At 4:00 pm when we were going through the hospitalization procedure, my son went downstairs to the toilet and fainted in the stairwell. The hospital broadcasted 119 that there was an emergency situation that needed to be dealt with, and it was my son. After some emergency treatment, my son came back to his senses temporarily. The medical staff told me that my son was in septic shock. I could only sit on the chair to recover. At 5pm, my son's condition was stable. A carotid artery had to be cut and all medications had to be administered through the hospital. I was given a critical notice. If Gaijin's blood pressure did not return to 60/40, he would be sent to the ICU for a pneumonectomy at any time. I stayed by the bedside all night. My blood pressure was measured every 15 minutes. The assistant doctor was there all night; catheterization, ultrasound, EKG to check the heart and lungs for fluid?


I was very nervous all night until 5:00 a.m. when Dr. Leung called. After I told him about my condition, Dr. Leung told me to do more desensitization treatments. I did it six times in a row. The hospital's original plan was to go to the operating room at 8:00 a.m. if the condition was stabilized, to see if there was anything on the endoscopy. At 6:30am, my blood pressure started to improve, it was 70/45, and at 8:00am, it was 101/60, I was so happy! I was so happy! It meant that my son could go into the operating room to see how the stone was doing. At 8:15, I entered the room as scheduled. About 20 minutes later, the doctor came out and told me to go in and watch the movie; the debris next to the stone had blocked and inflamed the tubes again, and the tubes were re-thickened. The most important thing right now was to deal with his sepsis, which was killing him. (Two days before my son's illness, Dr. Leung came to Taiwan and we went out to eat together.


My two daughters heard the news (Northern California) and rushed back to Taiwan from the U.S. to visit their father. Luckily, all the crises had been overcome and I tried my best to give my son the Quantum Detoxification Method by Dr. Leung's method, and he was able to recover very quickly.


Septicemia has been cured and he can be discharged from the hospital. I will deal with the stubborn stone when I feel better. The doctor suggested to wait for 3 weeks.


Can be hospitalized and arrange for stone removal every other day.


After three hours of treatment, the bile duct stone was finally broken. After 3 days of hospitalization, I was referred to surgery for cholecystectomy. Two stones were still there.


She was re-admitted to the hospital and her gallbladder was successfully removed on September 2nd. Three small holes were made in the abdomen.


I was discharged from the hospital after 4 months of frightening ordeal. I am deeply grateful to Dr. Leung for his perfect help again! I would like to record this. I am grateful to Dr. Leung!

Prof. Chen's self-explanation:

Dr. Liang, after learning this is gallstone blockage, gallbladder inflammation caused by high fever ......, is the first time in my life to encounter such a situation, only to think that pesticide poisoning, not to mention the use of your protector to eliminate the negative energy of the method can indeed be controlled, and fever resumed relatively normal, then the stomach is uncomfortable, ate the Zhang Guozhou strong stomach powder also have to alleviate the discomfort, (I do not know the gallbladder is in that part) oral cavity, nasal cavity, ulcers around the mouth with vesicles and coughing, see the oral cavity, ear, nose and throat doctor also cured, to the second half of May, acute urethritis also see a Western doctor, urine test, blood test took a large number of drugs, in addition to the body is weaker, there is nothing wrong. So I was relieved to go to Japan alone and traveled to Nagasaki, Kyushu with my classmates before the year. Days in a row to catch the morning rush of fatigue, June 1 to Taipei, the second at 5:00 a.m. to get up to catch the 8:00 a.m. flight to Matsuyama, to Tokyo and the first to go to the Shinkansen station to arrange for the next day's ticket, (took more than two hours to queue up) No. 3, early in the morning to catch the 7:00 a.m. tram to take the Shinkansen, 1:00 p.m. to Fukuoka, Kyushu, the morning of the fourth to go to walk to visit I want to go to the Madame Butterfly Opera Memorial Museum, in the afternoon, gall bladder inflammation and flare-ups again, and in the afternoon. In the afternoon, my gallbladder inflammation flared up again, exactly the same as on May 12th. I told you so much time to tell you that fatigue is the cause of gallbladder inflammation, (gallbladder stone blockage is a precursor) and eating mango is not related (I personally misjudged before), because the May 12 attack, using your quantum elimination method is effective, in Nagasaki, I did not have a quantum elimination machine with me, so I used WeChat to ask you for help, because I know your method, June 4 night detoxification through your negative energy elimination method of the other side of the ocean, June 5 rush to 9:00 a.m., to get rid of the negative energy. On June 5, I caught the 9:00 am express train to Osaka to change to the Shinkansen back to Tokyo, and it took me 9 hours to get there after changing trains three times, but I didn't have any fever or discomfort along the way, and I didn't fall asleep until I was tired at my relative's house. So your negative energy elimination method can really isolate the side effects of the virus.

Regardless of whether there are stones in the gallbladder and bile ducts, and how many viruses and bacteria are attached to the stones, that is the result. As long as the bile ducts are not blocked, the gallbladder will not be inflamed, and your method can indeed isolate viruses from harming the body and will not work. If I hadn't eaten the mango, I would have come back from the U.S. exhausted, and would not have mistakenly thought that I had eaten a pesticide contamination, because it was the first time that I had encountered such a severe fever and shaking. Maybe I would have gone to the emergency room. I would not have delayed so long and suffered so many crises. This is where my point of view differs from yours. The truth is very difficult to understand, the gallbladder bile duct blockage, should have been a long time, this time because the blockage is more serious, overwork caused cholecystic inflammation, thanks to Dr. Leung you developed a detoxification tool, so that my situation than any patient to recover smoothly. Even in Nagasaki, a city in the countryside of Japan, I had no fear of having such a serious seizure, and I was able to make the nine-hour ride back to Tokyo with confidence. Thank you!

9/2/2019 written by Chen Kejian in Taichung City, Taiwan

Dadun 11th Street, West District, Taichung City

Tel: 04-2326-5868

Kin Liang