Golden Bough Health Care Medical Center
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Reflexology, Massage - VS - Immune Mechanisms

Case 1:

Recently, a female foot massage therapist from out of state returned to Southern California to save her family, came to the clinic for follow-up (a few months ago, also due to the wind-cold virus to come to the clinic), the past often feel physically weak, fatigue, eczema, hives, itchy, the use of adult medicines, multivitamins, the treatment is not effective, has been to the place of work to see a Western medicine, blood tests, the use of antisensitive western medicine, the good after a few days and then recur, but when resting and not work will be comfortable a little bit. This is the lung, spleen, kidney deficiency patients, wind-cold is not clear a contact with eczema, hives or fatigue syndrome series of patients, that will be triggered, but also easy to feel fatigue and lack of energy, I remember the last time the initial diagnosis, I told her to eat less pork, chicken, eggs, operation massage, must wear gloves to avoid the customer's disease and negative energy pollution, but the boss advocated that when the customer to do the body massage (※ do not wear gloves) ) This is the work of the customer's sick gas, negative energy will automatically stimulate the health of massage workers, according to the fact that after the boss, they are no longer restricted to wear gloves when massaging, this time through the exclusion of the accumulation of wind, cold and dampness in the lungs and spleen meridians, wind and clearing dampness and actively adjust the massage therapist lungs, spleen and kidney deficiencies, will be instructed to wear gloves to protect the work carried through and healed!

Case 2:

A 55-year-old female patient complained of chronic stomatitis, mucous membrane and tongue ulcers for more than two to three years. She had seen family medicine, gynecology, Chinese medicine, Chinese medicine, etc., and did not see any improvement. When she drank hot soup, ate nuts, pork, poultry, shelled or unshelled seafood, etc., she would have an attack, and she had shingles in March-April 2018, and she felt that it was a sub-healthy body after being treated by a Western medicine practitioner, so she followed the doctor's instructions, avoided food, and tried all sorts of methods, but the ulcers still kept bothering her; she also had been taking direct-marketed nutritional supplements for many years; the ulcers were still frequently occurring. After the hospital took over the case at the end of last year; this is a typical immune imbalance, there must be a reason for the incident, and traces will be left behind only after the incident. From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine; this is a case of liver-spleen disharmony and heavy dampness (deficiency of the liver, spleen, lungs, and kidneys). After the diagnosis and treatment, it was found that there were indeed infections such as viruses, bacteria, mold, etc., and pollution with heavy metals as well as pollution reaction with a number of kinds of antiseptics. Pollution response, health rules, living environment, etc. is still possible, before the mid-term indeed have obvious results, did not expect the latter period that the disease began to recur! I have been practicing medicine for more than ten years, but I am still puzzled! Later, with the positive energy contradiction sticker; * also known as the gold and steel contradiction sticker positive energy patch "rotating sticker in the patient's body on the eight key points, every 12-16 hours to retain information, take down and then with the patient's 24 hours of clinical records as a comparison, that is, read out the patient's disease mechanism; surprisingly, it is from the second-hand electric massage beds accumulated gas; (including the past users of the cumulative sick gas, coupled with their own many years, but also) (including the past user's accumulated ailments, plus their own accumulated ailments and negative energy over the years; entangled together, the next day after the use of the massage bed, the oral mucous membrane system, such as the recurrence of the disease)! This stubborn mouth ulcer is closely related to the patient's immunodeficiency. After practicing medicine for more than 40 years, I have finally regained my dignity, confidence and experience, and it was worthwhile for me to put my heart and soul into it for half a year!

Chinese medicine practitioners of all generations have been well versed in the Nei Jing (The Book of Internal Medicine). Familiarizing oneself with the "Internal Canon" can train one's thinking and enable one to be flexible in the clinical setting. The thinking mode of the Nei Jing is "the unity of heaven and man", "the concept of wholeness", and "drawing analogies and comparing them to images". These thinking modes and the training and intensive reading of the Nei Jing are a convenient way for students to enter into the realm of holistic and intuitive comprehension.

The Nei Jing. Su Man 13 - Shifting Essence and Changing Qi Theory" discusses: "The ancient times made the taxing season; the management of color and pulse and the understanding of the gods, combined with the five elements, the four seasons, the eight winds, and the six harmonies, which do not deviate from their norms, and the changes are shifted, in order to observe their subtleties and to know their essentials". The clinical application of the disease is profoundly revealed. After analyzing and understanding the disease, one should have a multi-dimensional argumentation. The specific method is to have an all-round view of time and space. Through the means of "reasoning", "communication", and "cooperation" (actually "through the process of harmony and verification"), we should utilize the law of change of things of "constant" and "shift", and truly grasp the "wonderful" and "essential" of clinical verification, which is the fundamental truth that "only those who can participate in the process of scientific verification and other encouragement can become a superior worker (the best)". Through the examples of diagnosis and treatment, it is clear that the main guiding idea of Chinese medicine for the future generations is that the conclusion should be reached after combining multi-level and multi-directional validation.

Kin Liang