Golden Bough Health Care Medical Center
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My Journey Against a Serious Virus

I woke up in the morning of 12/31/19 with an excruciating pain on the right side of my neck, arm and shoulder blade area. I also felt numbness on the tips of my right hand fingers and partial palm. I assumed that the issues were caused by sleeping in a very wrong position during the previous night. I had a wishful thinking that it would all go away in a few hours and I would be able to enjoy the New Year celebration for 2020. 

Unfortunately, the pain only intensified in the following days and weeks. The sore and pain were so severe that regular pain killer did not help at all. To make the matter worse, I started developing various sensations of burning, nerve jumping (visually detectable), tinkling and Pins-and-Needles etc. feelings in random parts of my body, but mostly concentrated in the upper right side. I could barely use the mouse for my work in the following few weeks as my arm and wrist felt extremely sore and weak. I forced myself to use a mouse with my left hand in order to continue performing my job duties. My finger joints also showed signs of Rheumatoid arthritis. In addition, the numbness has gotten so bad that I felt as if my right hand was placed on ice at times. I didn’t understand how my health could deteriorate so fast in such a short period of time. I was frightened with the thought that I might have developed Lou Gehrig’s disease.

Needless to say, I became very concerned after the first week passed and there was no sign of improvement. I googled every symptom in an attempt to find out what was wrong with my health. During the whole month of January, I tried massaging therapy, bought electrical heating pad, had an ergonomic workplace evaluation, got a vertical mouse, changed different pillows, learned to exercise Tai Chi on YouTube, applied Salonpas and Tiger Balm etc. Every attempt brought me short-term comfort and false hopes. I couldn’t even lift my right arm most of the time. The pain and fatigue continued into the second month. 

I went to my Primary Care Provider on 01/10/20. He suspected that I might have carpal tunnel syndrome. He prescribed me with 100 mg Gabapentin for the nerve pain and referred me to a neurologist. On 01/21/20, I saw the neurologist who was neither helpful nor seemed to care much. He did not give me a basic test in the office or provide any informative information. He just told me to go for a neck X-rays in a local radiology center. The X-rays result showed that nothing was wrong with my neck. Unimpressed with the first neurologist, I contacted my PCP and asked him to refer me to a different neurologist. The new neurologist office was willing to squeeze me in for a late afternoon appointment on 02/11/20. 

While being treated by the traditional western medicine MD and Specialists, I also sought alternative treatment from Dr. Liang. I have known Dr. Liang since 2001 by referral from a co-worker who suffered severe allergy. Dr. Liang has always been able to either reduce or completely eliminate my nasal allergy symptoms after a few sessions of treatment.

Since Dr. Liang was out of town during the entire first week of February, he saw me on Sunday 02/09/20 afternoon upon my request. He tested me using his unconventional technique and determined that I was contracted with a very serious viral infection. I was skeptical of his diagnosis as I didn’t have flu, fever, cough or even cold in months. I also didn’t travel overseas and there is no known case where I live. However, as much as I didn’t want to believe the test result, I also know how accurate Dr. Liang’s diagnosis could be based on my years of treatment experience from him. 

After identifying the cause, I received a 60 minutes detoxing session immediately and another session on the following day. I felt drastic improvement within 24 hours after the treatment. I no longer feel half paralyzed. My right arm and wrist had regained strength somewhere from 85% to 90%. My chest no longer feels heavy; joint pain stopped and the crazy nerve movements ceased. The only residual trouble is that my right index finger still has around 10% numbness which is tolerable compared to what I had to endure in the past forty days. 

On Tuesday 02/11/20, I went to the appointment with the new neurologist as I still wanted to get a second opinion from a MD. After giving her a detailed description of my symptoms, she told me that what I had is called “Parsonage Turner Syndrome”. Even without any obvious sign of cold or flu, she believes that my PTS was caused by a virus attack on nerve system (brachial plexus); which validates Dr. Liang’s diagnosis. She also gave me a test to evaluate my reflex and strength and was surprised at how well I did. At that point, I felt obligated to reveal the fact that I had already received alternative treatment from my Chinese holistic doctor before visiting her. The neurologist was amazed by how effective the treatment was and said that “You are smart. That’s the right thing to do!” In conclusion, she didn’t think that I needed any steroids prescription or further nerve conduction test due to the good condition that I was in. 

I am so grateful that Dr. Liang saved me from the virus. I hope that my experience can encourage more people who have health issues to reach out to Dr. Liang. Time is of the essence when it comes to fighting against the new virus negative effects. His treatment method is scientific, more efficient and effective. He could save you from being long-term disabled as a result of health issues. Due to the underlying cause of my complication, I decide to remain anonymous in this testimony. However, I guarantee that everything I said in this letter is true. 


T.B. Feb, 28 2020 in CA. Los Angeles

Disclaimer: The views, information, or opinions expressed in the above personal experience are solely those of the individuals involved and do not necessarily represent those of Dr. Liang, GBHC. and its employees. This story is translated from Chinese, some terms may have been changed or expanded to reflect the doctor’s personal meaning for certain terms,

Click here to read the story read in Chinese

Kin Liang