Golden Bough Health Care Medical Center
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Thank you for all you've done for us. We are blessed to have you in our family!

I recently traveled to South America and on the flight back to the United States a passenger sitting close to me was coughing. When I got home, I felt sick. I had symptoms such as a runny nose, dry throat, general weakness, no energy, could not sleep or fully rest for two weeks. I am a Christian and during a daily prayer, I suddenly thought of Dr. Kin Liang who has been taking care of our whole family for 20 years. The next day, I called Dr. Liang to seek medical treatment because he had treated our family countless times. Dr. Liang has always worked hard to treat all kinds of diseases for our family with his enthusiasm, love, and superb medical skills. We have always been very respectful and appreciative of Dr. Liang’s care.

It was the same this time as well. Dr. Liang quickly inquired about my condition and ordered me to go online instantly to listen to the positive energy therapy music for this virus which was prepared by Dr. Liang. Immediately, I held a bottle of water, a small piece of my hair, and my toothbrush, in accordance with the requirements of this therapeutic music for several days. My physical condition has improved greatly. Dr. Liang told me that this specific music therapy is only effective against viruses negative Qi effects. Afterwards, Dr. Liang found that what remained in my body were negative Qi effects from negative emotions, depression, and worries. I then continued the treatment until check-up again, everything is back to normal. Thank the Lord Jesus Christ and thank you Dr. Liang. Another point worth mentioning, Dr. Liang’s treatments also work on animals…specifically our puppy. Dr. Liang said that the puppy needs to be checked too. He found out that our puppy also had a virus negative Qi effects. Dr. Liang treated him too and our puppy is well now.

My entire family is so grateful and thankful for the Lord Jesus Christ! I have known Dr. Liang for more than 20 years and have been receiving his care and treatments since. His “Positive Energy Qi Medical Treatment” is unique, advanced, and effective. It is a cutting-edge medical technology. I believe that one day this medical technology will be widely implemented and affirmed.

March, 2020


N.C.  in Idaho

Disclaimer: The views, information, or opinions expressed in the above personal experience are solely those of the individuals involved and do not necessarily represent those of Dr. Liang, GBHC. and its employees. This story is translated from Chinese, some terms may have been changed or expanded to reflect the doctor’s personal meaning for certain terms,

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