Golden Bough Health Care Medical Center
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Remote Treatment on My Honeymoon Trip

I went on a 1 week trip to Maui, Hawaii in the summer with my husband. The first night in Hawaii on a Monday, I had ordered a fish dish. I remember it tasted kind of bitter, but I didn’t think anything of it and finished my meal. That night when I went to sleep, I began to feel unwell. I started feeling achy and fatigued in the middle of the night and had diarrhea. By the next morning, I felt terrible. From that day on, my symptoms only got worse. I began having a fever, chills, and night sweats. The worst of all of this was the diarrhea. I would be having diarrhea at least 40 times a day. I couldn’t eat solid foods or I would have gut wrenching pain and severe diarrhea. I resorted to eating bananas, gatorade, and water. I mostly starved through these days because anytime I had anything to eat, even the bananas or water, I would have diarrhea 10 minutes after. Any small bite of food I ate would result in diarrhea for the next few hours every 10-15 minutes, or if I’m lucky- 20 minutes. What was supposed to be a nice honeymoon trip into an awful trip because I couldn’t enjoy or explore Hawaii. On Friday, my husband and I decided to walk through a resort in Hawaii. It was easier than going on hikes or driving anywhere around Hawaii because at least they had bathrooms in this resort that I could use. My husband is a physician and recommended me to take some painkillers as we continued to face this issue that was unresolved. I was feeling incredibly weak by this point because I barely had anything to eat in the last four days and constantly had intense stomach cramps and joint pain all over my body. Hawaii wasn’t even cold at this time, but I constantly felt cold and achy. I finally decided to call Dr. Liang for help as I walked through the resort. He checked and saw that I had gotten fungal poisoning from the fish I ate. (My husband and I had separate meals, so he did not eat the fish, which is probably why I was the only one that was sick.) Dr. Liang started his treatment and finished it when I was still exploring the resort. The treatment results were immediate and incredible. I went much longer than I had any other day without having diarrhea the rest of the evening at the resort. The diarrhea practically stopped after his treatment. I only had it again once that night before going to bed. I slept through the whole night with no fever, chills, or diarrhea. (I was getting up over 10 times a night just to have diarrhea all the other days before Dr. Liang’s treatment). I wish I had called him sooner, but as somebody in my 20’s, I was hoping my body would be able to fight off illnesses without much healthcare intervention, as most 20 something year olds generally do.

 The next day on Saturday, I felt way better. I decided to try solid foods as I had been starving for a long time. To my surprise, my body could retain the solid foods I ate. Just the day before, having any solid food would give me hours of diarrhea. As I said, the bananas and gatorade was my effort to eat some food without eating normal meals because I couldn’t handle even a bite of normal food. Whenever I would take just one bite of my husband’s normal solid foods out of hunger the last couple of days, I would have much more terrible diarrhea than eating something like my banana and gatorade/fruit medley. From Saturday and onwards, I was able to eat normal solid foods without any problems. And that’s what I did for my remaining trip. All three meals a day I ate normal foods and I was fine. I went from having diarrhea 40 something times a day to it stopping immediately after treatment!

 One of the things that surprised me the most was the next day after the treatment, I hiked from morning to evening. My husband was very surprised as I could barely even walk all the previous days. Dr. Liang helped me recover from this illness so quickly and I was able to enjoy my remaining days in Hawaii. Even though I only got to enjoy it for 2 and a half days since my trip was ending, I at least got to enjoy those last days. Without his treatment, I probably would not have been able to have fun at all!

Kin Liang