Golden Bough Health Care Medical Center
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Remote Treatment: Shingles and Omicron

I contact Dr. Liang for everything….

He is our trusted doctor. Even though we don’t live in the same state he is able to do remote treatments. I ended up getting shingles and if it wasn’t for Dr. Liang’s care throughout this period I would have been a lot worst. He was able to identify the virus and disassemble it. But before that he found super bug in me that was intoxicating me and causing organ imbalances. Through this shingle episode Dr. Liang kept on making me feel better. My body struggled with this virus, it was throwing my organs out of balance, causing different scary symptoms and Dr. Liang was able to put me together every time. I ended up at the ER three times and doctors there all they did was give me pain medicine. Dr. Liang was able to treat me, he kept on finding something and he cleared it and made me feel so much better. At times I felt that my body was suffocating and Dr. Liang would do his treatment and make me feel better again. He also advices me on how to take care of the blisters. No other doctor would tell me this. But he did and that helped me recover faster. He always checked in on me to make sure I was doing good. Not only is he a great doctor, he cares about his patients and makes sure they are doing good. Oh, and on one of the ER visits I picked up Omicron and Dr. Liang treated me and I didn’t have to suffer with the virus.

Since I met Dr. Liang, he’s definitely has made our family so much healthier❤️

Thank you so much Dr. Liang❤️

Patient Erica Meza

Read in Chinese translation

Kin Liang