Golden Bough Health Care Medical Center
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Road to recovery from COVID-19

In March 2020, amidst the time of COVID-19 global pandemic, I was suffering from a high fever for several days followed by a prolonged low-grade fever, body aches, headache, sore throat, and severe congestion. Soon I was coughing quite a bit. My symptoms had already lasted for three weeks. I felt there was no end in sight. I felt quite nervous as my symptoms lined up with that of the virus outbreak, and I just wanted to feel better. I had already quarantined myself at home. My best friend from college had called me and was very worried. She recommended that I seek Dr. Liang for treatment as she had several successful treatments from him. From the first day, Dr. Liang put me at ease. He is truly a kind and caring doctor and very thorough. Dr. Liang listened to my complaints, my past health history, my symptoms, and asked about my home environment. He assessed the various factors and formulated a treatment custom to my symptoms and my environment. 

Dr. Liang uses the principles of quantum information, photoelectron spectroscopy, and weak magnetic pulses in the research and development of his treatments. He has developed a non-invasive way to administer his proprietary desensitization treatment. I was not familiar with the principles of this type of treatment and was quite skeptical at first. But after several treatments, I began to see remarkable results. My sense of smell returned, and my congestion subsided. I was able to breathe freely finally after such a long period of congestion which had traveled down my chest. The aches I felt in my ribs had gone away. As I completed the course of treatments that Dr. Liang recommended, my cough had also subsided. Now that I am completely free of my symptoms, I am so grateful to the care provided by Dr. Liang. He has also assessed my general health and made recommendations for diet, home environment, and the best way to protect myself from future virus, bacterial and fungal infections and other allergens. 

I feel Dr. Liang truly combines the best of western, eastern and modern medicine. He is an accomplished researcher and scientist. More than that, he is truly a doctor with heart.

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