Golden Bough Health Care Medical Center
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Treating the Causes of the Diseases-Dr. Liang's Superb Diagnosis and Treatment

I am deeply grateful for the treatment results of my stepmother, Lucrecia Marchena by Dr. Liang. My stepmother has many chronic health issues, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, kidney, heart, lungs, and stomach problems. She also suffers from various side effects from medicines that she has taken for nearly 15 years.

My stepmother is 62 years old. She was born in Costa Rica, and currently lives in Heredia province, north of the capital city San Jose, Costa Rica. She married my father when she was still a teenager. I was four years old at the time. Since my birth mother passed away when I was only one year old, my step mother is the only mother that I know. She is a very kind lady and took great care of me when I was young. Till today, I still believe that no one in the world can make better banana bread than she does. Lately, she had trouble breathing and had a persistent cough in addition to digestive issues. The symptoms have gotten more complicated in the past three months. She also felt recurring chills. Although my half-sister, who is a registered nurse, gives good care to our mother, there is only so much that she can do. On 03/09/20, my stepmother contacted me and told me about her deteriorating health condition. I was really concerned and wanted to do something for her right away. Luckily I have known Dr. Liang since 2018 through a friend’s referral, so I called him immediately. I was confident that Dr. Liang would give my mother the best treatment based on my own experience. Although it was after working hours, Dr. Liang performed a detailed diagnosis as soon as he heard about her condition. The result showed that the novel virus and allergens had invaded her heart, liver, lungs, spleen, kidney, pancreas and stomach systems.

I will try to explain Dr. Liang’s treatment methodology based on my own understanding: 

  1. Diagnose the cause of the disease.

  2. Identify the impacted internal organs.

  3. Remove the accomplices of the pathogen (enabler of the infectious agent).

His logic is different from other doctors; traditional doctors prescribe countless chemical drugs to suppress various symptoms. Dr. Liang’s applies a multi-diagnostic technique, or a holistic method. After the diagnosis, the negative energy from the patient is exchanged through music containing positive Qi pulse energy, and then the patient’s physical pain is stopped by healing the spiritual body. We the living beings have a physical body and an invisible body. We can call the invisible body in terms of spirit, soul, energy, prana or qi. Although it is invisible, it is the foundation of our physical body. Diseases manifest in the physical body when the energy is out of balance. By restoring the balance of the energy, the physical body heals. This healing technique was adopted by many shamans or energy healers in areas of South America. It has been recognized and documented throughout history. Unfortunately, nowadays most people don’t believe or care about it. In our current world, we give more attention to the physical that we can feel only through our senses. We have forgotten the divinity. We have also forgotten and lost the ability of self-healing in a natural way.

Going back to my original story, Dr. Liang examined the image of my step mother’s tongue and found out that she had many kinds of negative Qi (energy) reactions to viruses, bacteria and fungus infection. She received seven courses of treatment over three consecutive days. During the first two days, she felt gradual improvement after each treatment. On day three, she felt that her recovery is almost 100% after the final treatment! Although she still needs more treatment to recover from the chronic damages to her internal organs, my stepmother is very happy with the treatment result!

I want to express my sincere gratitude and my deep admiration for Dr. Liang. The man is a light in the darkness in times when humanity needs it.

Frank S. M. 3/19/2020 in Los Angeles

Disclaimer: The views, information, or opinions expressed in the article are solely those of the individuals and do not necessarily represent those of Dr. Liang, GBHC. or its employees.

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