Golden Bough Health Care Medical Center


Pure Traditional Chinese Medicine Nasal Special Therapy

After many years of clinical research, the Center has developed a pure Chinese medicine nasal special therapy, which is based on the patient's symptoms, after diagnosis, to pass, open, clear, strong, and gradually for the principle of treatment, in order to remove the patient's phlegm, turbidity, silt at the same time, but also together with the adjustment of internal organs and functions, so as to achieve the purpose of the internal and external co-treatment. This treatment is based on modern medical and anatomical point of view, it is through the local administration of drugs, through the nasal mucosa microvessels directly absorbed and utilized, resulting in the regulation of autonomic nervous system that is, vasodilatation and relaxation and other effects. Generally speaking, the treatment of nasal diseases is mostly an oral method of drug administration, where the active ingredients are absorbed through the gastrointestinal tract and then enter the body circulation through the hepatic portal vein, where the ingredients have been damaged, denatured or detoxified by the liver, which makes it difficult for the active ingredients to reach an effective concentration in the bloodstream. The "Chinese medicine nasal special treatment" utilizes the principle of internal and external treatment and local administration of medicine, the least amount of medicine, to play the best therapeutic effect, the nasal mucosa has a large number of tiny cilia, which can greatly increase the effective surface area of the drug being absorbed, so that the utilization rate of the nasal medication is nearly 99%.

When receiving the nasal special treatment in our center, we also recommend patients to take appropriate exercise to reduce joint pain, improve endurance and muscle strength and also increase the supply of nutrients to the cartilage, but it should be noted that exercise is not allowed during the period of acute inflammation, and training can be done when the pain is less severe.